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Q: Can a polygon divided into triangular regions?
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How cylinder and triangular pyramid?

A cylinder is a polygon that has circles as its base. A triangular pyramid is a polygon that has a triangle as its base.

Is a triangular prism a polygon?

no A polygon is a 2-dimensional object, while a triangular prism is a 3-dimensional object.

What is a polygon base with triangular sides rising to a point?

Triangular Pyramid.

Is a yield sign a regular polygon?

Yield signs are triangular, but have rounded corners. An actual triangular shape, if equilateral, would be a regular polygon.

What is the math term for a triangle?

triangular polygon

What polygon makes a triangular prism?

A triangle forms the cross-section of a triangular prism.

Which solid figure can only be made from one type of polygon?

triangular prism

If in a 54 sided polygon all possible diagonals are drawn from one vertex they divide the interior of the polygon into how many regions?

In a 54-sided polygon, 53 possible diagonals can be drawn from one vertex to another. These diagonals will not intersect. Therefore, the interior will be divided into 54 regions by the 53 diagonals plus the two sides of the original polygon that adjoin the vertex from which the diagonals are drawn.

What is the name of a polygon with 4 sides and vertices?

triangular pyramid

What is a 3d polygon with triangular sides rising to a point?

A pyramid.

Do pyramids have triangular faces?

All but one face must be triangular. The base can be any polygon, including a triangle.

What solid figure has a polygon and triangular faces?

A triangular based pyramid would seem to fit the given description