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Q: Can a quadrilateral have more than two lines of symmetery?
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Can a quadrilateral have more than 4 lines of symetry?


Can a quadrilateral have more than 4 lines of symmertry?

Oh, dude, a quadrilateral can only have a maximum of 4 lines of symmetry because it has four sides. It's like trying to fit five people in a four-seater car - not gonna work, my friend. So, to answer your question, no, a quadrilateral cannot have more than 4 lines of symmetry.

How many more lines does a rhombus have than a quadrilateral?

They have the same amount they both have four sides

Can a quadrilateral have more than 4 vertices?

No, a vertice means a point where two or more lines come to a point. And a quadrilateral has four corners/vertices, it cannot have more than four because it only has four sides.

Can a quadrilateral have less than 4 lines of symmetry?


How do you draw a quadrilateral triangle with more than two lines of symmetry?

That's going to be a tough assignment. There's no chance that you can ever succeed, since there's no such thing as a quadrilateral triangle.

If a quadrilateral has an angle of more than 180 what type of quadrilateral could it be?

A chevron (arrowhead) is a quadrilateral with one angle of more than 1800.

What quadrilateral has less than 2 pair of parallel lines?


What is a polygon with 1 sets of parallel lines called?

You can construct any polygon with more than 4 sides such that two sides are parallel. A quadrilateral in which two lines are parallel is called a trapezoid.

What quadrilateral has no lines of symmetry but does have rotation symmetry?

A parallelogram, other than a rhombus or rectangle.

Why does quadrilateral has more than one shape name?

Quadrilateral is a broad category. Within the category quadrilateral, you have trapezoid, rhombus, square, rectangle, and more.

Can a quadrilateral with four equal sides have less than four lines of symmetry?
