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yes only if you have documentation and hav not revoked it, did that answer you question

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Q: Can a quit claim deed signed 2 yrs ago but never recorded be revoked or is it even still valid Or can I make another one to file immediately voiding out the unfiled one.?
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Related questions

How do you spell unfiled?

The spelling "unfiled" means not filed, not submitted.

What is the penalty rate on unfiled tax returns?

The penalty rate on unfiled tax forms varies depending on the tax return amount. You should always do your taxes on time.

What is an unfiled tax return?

Unfiled tax return means that you have not filed a tax return with the IRS, whether it be the current year or any previous years. Any tax returns not filed for this year or the previous six years need to be filed.

What are the dangers of having unfiled tax returns?

A person who has unfiled tax returns risks going to jail or paying a big fine. A person who hasn't filed tax returns may go to jail for a year and/or pay a fine of up to $25,000.

What does conviction sent to DPS mean?

"Conviction Sent to DPS" typically means that your disposition was forwarded to the Department of Public Safety (a state level law enforcement agency) to be recorded in your official criminal record..

What is the difference between filed and unfiled commercial property floaters?

Filed forms have been reviewed and approved for use by a state Insurance Department for sale by the insurance company that submitted it for approval. Unfiled forms are floaters an insurance company markets to customers which are subject to later review by a state Insurance Department, if necessary.

where can I get delinquent tax returns ?

There are many online websites that offer services for unfiled tax returns. You can also contat a local lawyer or the IRS to get help with delinquent tax returns.

Can you take out student loans if your parents have unfiled income taxes?

You can but as soon as your parents file their taxes you will have to amend your FAFSA application and it may alter the amount for which you are eligible in student financial aid.

Can your ilr be refused if you have unfiled taxes in your country of origin?

Yes, it could be possible for your ILR application to be refused if you have unfiled taxes in your country of origin because it may raise concerns about your financial responsibility and compliance with tax laws. It is essential to ensure that your tax obligations are in order before applying for ILR to avoid any potential issues.

What if you didn't file your taxes last year how will that effect your taxes this year?

In most all ways, each year stands alone...of course you wouldn't have any carryover positions from the year unfiled.

Can you collect earn income credit from past years?

Yes. I believe it is up to the past 3 years. And you even get interest if you were getting a refund for those unfiled years. At least that is how it was several years back,

When is it too late to file unfiled tax returns?

The last day to file taxes is April 15th. However, in 2011, the date has been moved back to April 18th. This is due to the latency on the government's part.