The definition I just now found online for a rectangle is:
A quadrilateral with four right angles.
To me, it seems that squares and rhombuses can fit that definition,
if they want to, but don't necessarily have to.
No, a rectangle cannot ever be a rhumbus - nor a rhombus (to give its correct selling).
A typographic error will make a rhombus into a rhumbus.
A rhumbus?
Three rhombi can make a long parallelogram.
No, a rectangle cannot ever be a rhumbus - nor a rhombus (to give its correct selling).
A typographic error will make a rhombus into a rhumbus.
Since there is no such thing as a rhumbus, I guess the answer must be "none".
Any parallelogram, including rhombus, but not including rectangle or square.
A rhumbus?
a rhumbus
Yes, except that the word is rhombus, not rhumbus!.
Three rhombi can make a long parallelogram.
Nothing, since there is no such word.However, a rhombus is a quadrilateral whose sides are of equal length.
The main difference is that a square is a geometric shape whereas a rhumbus is a word with no meaning.The main difference between a square and a rhombus is that all the angles of a square are equal. In a rhombus, there are two pairs of equal opposite angles.