A rhombus is a quadrilateral that has 4 equal sides and no right angles at its vertices but its digonals intersect each other at right angles.
A rhombus which has at least one angle a right angle (i.e. a square which is a special type of rhombus)
A rhombus doesn't need any right angles to be a rhombus, although it can have them if it wants to. If a rhombus has right angles, then it's a square. And if it has one right angle, then it must have four of them.
Yes it is, but not with any regualar quadrilateral (square, rectangle, trapezoid, parallelogram, rhombus, and kite)
Such a rhombus is not possible as it would not have all its sides equal. Or you can keep all angles right angles and call it a square.
A rhombus is a rectangle when one of its angles is a right angle.(Actually, a rectangle has 4 right angles. But you only have to prove that yourrhombus has one of them for sure, because then it turns out that it must havefour of them.)(Also, before you get all upset because a rhombus with right angles is actuallya square, we're aware of that too. Technically, a square is a special kind ofparallelogram, rhombus and rectangle too.)
it wouldn't be a rhombus if it had a right angle.
It can be, but it doesn't have to be. A rhombus is only a square if it has a right angle at one of its corners. Otherwise it's not.
no.rhombuses don't have right angles
A rhombus which has at least one angle a right angle (i.e. a square which is a special type of rhombus)
A square is a rhombus with a right angle (90 degrees) at one corner.Note:That means that all four angles will be right angles, but in order to prove thatyour rhombus is a square, it's only necessary to prove that one angle is.
The vertices of a rhombus have no right angles but its diagonals intersect each other at right angles.
A rhombus doesn't need any right angles to be a rhombus, although it can have them if it wants to. If a rhombus has right angles, then it's a square. And if it has one right angle, then it must have four of them.
No. There are quadrilaterals that have no right angles.no,what about a trapizoid or rhombus
When its angles are right angles
Yes it is, but not with any regualar quadrilateral (square, rectangle, trapezoid, parallelogram, rhombus, and kite)
It doesn't have to, but it can. If it has one right angle, then it has four of them, and it's also a square.