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The answer is no. A square pyramid can not have all triangle faces because the base of this particular pyramid would be a square.

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Q: Can a square pyramid have all triangle faces?
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Is a square pyramid and all faces are triangle possiable?

The base will be a square, all the rest of the faces are triangles.

Does a triangular pyramid have triangles on all faces?

No. I has 3 triangle faces and one square face.

How is a pyramid and a cuboid different?

A pyramid is usually a 4 sided figure but a cuboid is not. Also, the 4 sided pyramid all the faces are triangle but the cuboid has 2 square faces and 4 rectangle faces

How many faces in a rectangular square pyramid?

A rectangular pyramid, or a square pyramid, has 5 faces in all.

All of its faces are triangle?

Triangular based pyramid

What shape is every face of a pyramid except for the base?

i think its the triangle because the base is square and all the faces is triangular shaped so its the triangle

Are the bases and faces the same on a pyramid?

Depending on the type of pyramid, it varies. Most pyramid types (including square, rectangle, octagonal, etc. pyramids) do not have congruent bases and faces, though some may have a few similar faces. Only one pyramid, the triangular pyramid, has a triangle for the base and all of the faces, which are congruent.

Are all faces of a square pyramid triangles?

4 faces are triangles and 1 face is a square the square face is the base of the pyramid

How many faces does a pyramid have and what are the shapes of the faces?

a pyramid has for faces and a base so all in all 5 faces the four on the outside are triangular and the base is square :)

What is a polyhedron all equilateral triangle faces?

It is a triangular based pyramid

What shape has 4 faces that are all triangles?

A triangle based pyramid.

Are all faces of a square pyramid square?

No, a square pyramid has only 1 square (the base) and the other 4 are triangles