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The answer is no. A square pyramid can not have all triangle faces because the base of this particular pyramid would be a square.

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Q: Can a square pyramid have all triangle faces?
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Is a square pyramid and all faces are triangle possiable?

The base will be a square, all the rest of the faces are triangles.

Does a triangular pyramid have triangles on all faces?

No. I has 3 triangle faces and one square face.

How is a pyramid and a cuboid different?

A pyramid is usually a 4 sided figure but a cuboid is not. Also, the 4 sided pyramid all the faces are triangle but the cuboid has 2 square faces and 4 rectangle faces

How many faces in a rectangular square pyramid?

A rectangular pyramid, or a square pyramid, has 5 faces in all.

What shape is every face of a pyramid except for the base?

i think its the triangle because the base is square and all the faces is triangular shaped so its the triangle

All of its faces are triangle?

Triangular based pyramid

Are the bases and faces the same on a pyramid?

Depending on the type of pyramid, it varies. Most pyramid types (including square, rectangle, octagonal, etc. pyramids) do not have congruent bases and faces, though some may have a few similar faces. Only one pyramid, the triangular pyramid, has a triangle for the base and all of the faces, which are congruent.

Are all faces of a square pyramid triangles?

4 faces are triangles and 1 face is a square the square face is the base of the pyramid

How many faces does a pyramid have and what are the shapes of the faces?

a pyramid has for faces and a base so all in all 5 faces the four on the outside are triangular and the base is square :)

What is a polyhedron all equilateral triangle faces?

It is a triangular based pyramid

What shape has 4 faces that are all triangles?

A triangle based pyramid.

Are all faces of a square pyramid square?

No, a square pyramid has only 1 square (the base) and the other 4 are triangles