

Can a square rotate

Updated: 12/16/2022
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13y ago

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yes it can

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Q: Can a square rotate
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Which figure a square or a trapezoid will rotate onto itself in 90 degree explain?

square. rotate a square and it's still looks the same rotate a trap and you can tell it's on its side

What is the smallest angle through which you can rotate a square?

You can rotate it through any angle of your choosing.

Which figure will rotate onto itself in 90 angle a square or a trapezoid?

A square.

How do you rotate figure 180?

180o is half a circle (semi-circle). To rotate do the following: 180 + 180 = 360o

Why does earth have to be circle?

because a square or a triangle would not rotate properly

Will a square rotate onto itself in 90 degrees?

I dOnt now

Which figure a square or trapezoid will rotate onto itself in 90?

A trapezoid

What do you click to rotate your patterns?

well you press the little square that has 2 diagonal arrows in it

How do you rotate a square 90 degrees?

It is symmetric, so the rotation would be useless, it would still look the same.

How do you change a belt tensioner on 84 New Yorker?

rotate it with wrench or ratchet and socket or ratchet square drive 3/8" sizeof there is a 3/8" square hole in the tensioner then you use just the 3/8" ratchet to rotate the tensionerunbolt the bolt holding the tenstioner to engine to remove and replace it as a unit assembly.

Can the shape diamond be parallel?

yes it can. a diamond is basically a square. if you stretch two paralell lines opposite each other on a square one way, you would get a diamond. if you don't get that, just rotate the square a little bit and voila! a parralell diamond!

Is it possible for a quadrilateral to rotate onto itself in less than one-half rotation?

Yes. A square needs only a quarter rotation.