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yes he/she can. if the teachers a bad teacher, feel free to sue them

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Q: Can a student sue the school for a teacher's slander?
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Can a teacher sue a student for slander?

People can sue for three reasons: Property, money, and injury.

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How To SueTo sue because another student attacked you and the teacher did nothing, get a lawyer and take them to court. Say that the student attacked you and the teacher did nothing.

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You can not sue a school. You will have to sue the school board/district, which is basically suing the government. I'm not really sure. Pobably not!!!!

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If Sue is both the 50th best and the 50th worst student at her school, that means there are 49 students better than her and 49 students worse than her, totaling 99 students. Therefore, Sue is the 50th student in a ranking of 99 students in her school.

Can you sue someone for spoiling your reputation?

Yes, you can sue someone for spoiling your reputation. This is called slander. A person can file slander charges on their own or hire an attorney.

Can you sue an state investigator for slander?

you can sue anyone for almost anything these days, if you have proof go for it!!

If a person slander your character can you sue?

Your only legal action would be to take them to court in a civil suit for slander and defamation.

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Can an adult sue for slander from a child?

No. You have to prove the child knew what they were doing.

Can you get your landlord for being slanderous?

You can get (sue) anyone for slander: your landlord is no different.