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Q: Can a toilet plunger really stick to a flat surface?
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Why do plungers stick to walls?

Plungers can stick to walls due to the presence of suction between the plunger and the wall. When pressing the plunger against a smooth surface, air is forced out creating a vacuum effect, causing the plunger to stick momentarily.

How does one stop a toilet tank bolt leak?

You should get a plunger stick it in the toilet and hold it in there till the water slows down and if that doesnt work close the toilet seat and wait til you hear a dweeling sound that means the water is going down.

What does your mum eat?

she eats lots of omelates and then sticks her head in the toilet and drinks it it is really nice! stick your head in the toilet!!!! then swish it around really its cool!!

How do you unclog hair from toilet?

Tried and TrueFirst, get yourself a plunger made for a toilet, it is bell shaped, sort of, and not the sink kind, bowl shaped. And keep it by the toilet or in a closet in the bathroom. You don't want to walk through the dining room with it to comments about your monster dump.Then: you are going to need water in the bowl. Take the tank top off and find the pipe or tube that releases water from the tank to the bowl. You don't want to overflow it obviously but it is the water pressure in the bowl that is going to push the clog down the pipe, so you need a fair amount. Be careful.Now put the plunger in and use a short, quick up and down motion. After several strokes, pull up the plunger and see if it worked. If not keep at it, it will.When successful, flush a couple of times to rinse the plunger. And wash up. These new low flow toilets make having a plunger handy a virtual necessity. I can't imagine using a coat hanger,, gross.Easiest Way To Unclog a ToiletUse a sanitary waterless plunger that doesn't touch the water or muck inside the toilet bowl. The sanitary waterless plunger is placed on top of the toilet bowl rim and uses compressed air to directly target the clog. By depressing the waterless plunger several times the clog is quickly and easily cleared away.Traditional plungers and plunging techniques expose individuals to harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses like E Coli, Salmonella and The Flu Virus. A sanitary waterless plunger completely eliminates contact with toilet water and waste.The only brand of sanitary waterless plunger currently available is the EZ Plunge. The EZ Plunge is a new product and is currently available on line and in select home improvement stores.Quick UnclogPour about 1 cup Dawn dish washing liquid into clogged toilet; let rest for about 1 hour; flush. In most cases, the toilet is unclogged and flushes easily.Answer easyhire a plumberOur tried and tested tips!Tip a bucket of hot water rapidly from as high as possible (well,maybe up a ladder's going a bit far!)-stand back!Next step if that's a failure-use a stick...........wire next.........and if that doesn't produce the beautiful music of stuff rushing rapidly away to where it's supposed to go,then try a cut off length of garden hose(better ask the gardener first!They sure won't be wanting it back when you're through with it).If that doesn't work,then you'd better find a nice ,quiet corner of the garden and start digging!Using a common plunger is the usual method however if one is not available a large bucket of boiling water sometimes works. Pour this slowly into the bowl.You get a rubber plunger and work it up and down in the bowl.

Did the Romans really use sponge on a stick?

Yes, in their communal baths as back-scrubbers, but usually this was done by an attendant or a slave. The primary purpose of the sponge-stick or tersorium was for personal hygene in place of our toilet paper.

How do you add more power to a rubber suction cup?

Like a plunger, if you press really hard on it, it might stick better. How come? Are you a secret agent or something? Are you a stalker? Maybe you`re possesed by Chuck Norris...

What is a sponge stick?

A sponge stick is reportedly something used by ancient Romans. In lieu of toilet paper, they used a sponge placed on a stick.

How does one fart?

put your finger in your nose and stick your head in a toilet

How do you get sledgehammer on stick rpg 2?

in the second world ther will be a pub go in there and go to the toilet and give him the toilet tissue and you will get the slegde hammer

How do you get a sledgehammer on stick rpg 2?

in the second world ther will be a pub go in there and go to the toilet and give him the toilet tissue and you will get the slegde hammer

Does super glue stick on a brick?

Super glue will not really stick on a brick as it will soak in too much through the porous surface. -This is definitely a case where a PVA glue is better than super glue.

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