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Q: Can a work of art be balanced and symmetrical?
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What is a synonym of symmetrical?

Wellproportioned, balanced, or equal. Those are synonyms for symmetrical.

What is symmetrical picture?

what is semmetrical?

The principle of art that equalizes visual weight in a work of art to make it appear comfortable to the viewer is called?

Balance - the design must be balanced in order to have a comfortable feeling in a work of art or else there is dissonance.

What is asymetrical symmetry?

i think it is art when you are doing something symmetrical but different like op art

How do you spell semectrical?

The correct spelling is symmetrical (balanced or the same on either side of some axis).

Why are rangoli's symmetrical?

Physics invokes the concept of symmetry to formulate natural laws - that is, laws of nature are expected to be symmetrical, in order to have universal validity. Symmetry implies harmony, beauty , perfection. Most art forms tend to emphasize these qualities. Rangoli patterns represent essentially geometric drawings as free form art work.

What are the Three types of balance in art?

(1) Symmetrical balance (2) Asymmetrical balance (3) Radial balance

Will any shape work for airfoil?

no it wont work because it has to be symmetrical

This principle of design is concerned with placing elements of art in equalizing visual coherency..?

symmetrical balance

What does balanced mean in art?

Balance is the amount of color you use on a masterpiece than another. For example, the color white and black are not balanced in art. They are completely different.

What is asymmetry in art line?

using my latin roots... A usually means opposite or not. and symmetrical is the same or identical. so i would have t say it would means not symmetrical i hope that helps.

What concept of balanced form that exists in art architecture science nature and mathematics?

Shape and/or symmetry is the concept of balanced form that exists in art architecture science nature and mathematics.