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If an angle of x degree is obtuse then x > 180 deg

Suppose x = 180 + y where y is positive.

Then x can be divided into two angles of 90+y/2 degrees each

y>0 so 90 + y/2 > 90

and so the two angles are obtuse.

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What are all the types of angles?

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What are all the angles?

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No, there are different kinds of angles, such as acute, reflex, straight and obtuse. A right angle is 90°.

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What type of angle does a octagon have?

Any - it can be acute, right, obtuse, reflex - take your pick! A regular octagon, on the other hand, will have all internal angles measuring 135 degrees. That is, they will all be obtuse.

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An angle in a hexagon can have any value at all. It can be acute, a right angle, an obtuse angle or even a reflex angle.

Is it possible to have a quadrilateral with 2 reflex angles?

No. All quadrilaterals can be made from joining two triangles, hence they all have interior angles that sum to 360 degrees. Reflex angles are greater than 180 degrees so two reflex angles would be too big!

Are all angles acute?

No, angles smaller than 90 degrees are acute, angles bigger than 90 degrees are obtuse, angles that are 90 degrees exactly are right-angles, and angles larger than 180 degrees are reflex angles.

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There are no angles they are all obtuse angles

Do octagons have obtuse angles?

Yes. It must have an obtuse angle.

Does a hexagan have any obtuse angles?

A regular hexagon has all angles obtuse.