

Can an earthquake be prevented

Updated: 12/11/2022
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14y ago

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no Not with our present degree of knowledge and engineering, and not in the foreseeable future.

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Q: Can an earthquake be prevented
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How can tall furniture be prevented from tipping over during an earthquake?


How can furniture be prevented from tipping over in an earthquake?

Use a bolt to pin it to the walls.

How can tall furnitrue be prevented from tripping over in an earthquake?

Bolting it to the wall or floor.

How could you prevent a tsunami or an earthquake in the future?

You can't. Earthquakes and tsunamis cannot be prevented.

How earthquake can be prevented?

The earthquake itself cannot be prevented as it is caused by plate tectonics, but one way you can help to stop buildings falling is to secure them in firm foundations, as change the resonant frequency so that no pitch of sound will be able to topple the building like what happened to a bridge in California.

How can studying earthquake-damaged buildings help designers improve future construction?

how can studying earthquake damaged help designers improve future construction is by understanding what would you need and to build this or that building to prevented damaged building

Can earthquakes be prevented why or why not?

Earthquakes cannot be prevented as they are a natural geological phenomenon caused by the movement of tectonic plates beneath the Earth's surface. While scientists can monitor and predict seismic activity to some extent, they cannot prevent earthquakes from occurring.

How can earthquakes in Haiti be prevented in the future?

There is nothing humanly possible that can be done to prevent an earthquake anywhere. The loss of life and damage can be reduced to some degree by improving construction and emergence readiness.

How does tsunami affect the atmosphere?

A tsunami has little effect on the atmosphere. A tsunami is a natural disaster that can not be prevented. It is a underwater earthquake that happens when plates collide. The theory of plate tectonics explains earthquakes and other geological occurrences.

What are the best methods of preventing the physical cost of an earthquake?

Loss of lives can be prevented with evacuation plans. This would allow the people to be able to react when an earthquake strikes. Also, with the use of technology, sensors can be used to tell when an earthquake will happen, giving the people enough time to react. To minimize the number of infrastructures destroyed, strengthening of pillars and reinforcing of walls can be used, although it will not be as effective as building quake resistant infrastructures. The government can also analyse the risk of earthquake and move the population away from those high risk zones.

How famine can be prevented?

It can't be prevented, sorry.