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Q: Can an employer work you 8 hrs with only a 30 min lunch break?
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If im working from 11 am till around 4 pm around 5 hours is it all right for your employer to take an hour out of your pay for lunch?

Only if you did take an hour off work for a lunch break is your employer is entitled to deduct it from your paid time.

In the state of CO - what is the law regarding breaks and lunch breaks at work?

In the state of New York, the employer must offer a 30 minute lunch break, or a 60 minute lunch breath if the person is a factory worker. If the employee is the only one on duty or the only person who holds their particular position, they may have to eat on the job. In special circumstances an employer could be permitted to only offer a 20 minute lunch break, but they have to get a permit. As for breaks, New York law does not require an employer to offer them.

Is lunch break one work or two?

Two words. Lunch break.

You work 8 hours a day no breaks no lunch is this legal?

Yes, due to the fact if u work in the heat all day they MUST let u sit down and eat or just let u cool off for a few minutes. This depends on how many hours you work in a day. If you work 6 hours in a day your employer is required to give you a 30 minute break for lunch, if you work 4 hours, then they are required to give you a 15 minute break-- both of these can be paid or unpaid, that is up to your employer

Can an employee work 6.5 hrs without a lunch if they leave and do not return to work that day?

Employees work as scheduled by the employer, and stay until released or face discipline. Lunch and break time are unregulated in fed law, but may appear in state law and union contracts.

How you handle work under pressure?

Leave your job for a lunch break when it is time for lunch.

Are you entitled to a smoking break at work?

I have just looked this up and apparently by law, Employers only have to provide a break every 6 hours, which is usually done as a lunch break. So they do not HAVE to give a smoke break. I have just looked this up and apparently by law, Employers only have to provide a break every 6 hours, which is usually done as a lunch break. So they do not HAVE to give a smoke break.

If you were in an accident due to your own fault during your lunch period at work and you were in your personal vehicle does the employer have to pay workers comp?

If you are in your own vehicle during your lunch hour, you do not qualify for work mans comp. The only way work mans comp is responsible for your accident is if it occurred on the job.

In the state of Kansas what are the labor laws regarding lunch breaks?

There is no federal law requiring breaks or lunch breaks. Some states have state laws that govern breaks and lunch breaks. Kansas does not have any state laws requiring breaks or lunch breaks. So your employer can legally work you an 8 or 10 hour shift without a break.

Can a paid ten minute break occur immediately after an unpaid thirty minute lunch break in California?

Depends on if your employer and you agree to it. If a log is kept it needs to show both at different times, but if it is informal and there is some give and take you usually can work it out.

How many days in a row can an employer make you work in California?

There is no law about how many days you can work in a row. If an employer needs you at work and if you want the job you go to work. There is no limit. There are only laws on number of hours worked/overtime and the number of breaks/lunch/dinner that are to be given in a work day. There are also no laws about working holidays. I am sure that if you don't want to work the employer can find someone who is out of work to replace you.

Is it legal for an employer to allow only lunch after five hours and no other breaks at all?

Employers are required to provide break periods of at least 30 minutes for minors ages 14 through 17 who work five or more consecutive hours. Employers are not required to give breaks for employees 18 and over. If your employer allows breaks, and they last less than 20 minutes, you must be paid for the break. If your employer allows meal periods, the employer is not required to pay you for your meal period if you do not work during your meal period and it lasts more than 20 minutes. A collective bargaining agreement may also govern this issue.