Anyone is a compound word, consisting of "any" and "one".
There are three syllables in 'anyone'. An-y-one.
OpinionI find that most days I have no good reason to forgive anyone. Any inadvertent slight, misunderstanding or inconvenience is best laughed off, forgotten and certainly not granted the terribly formal status of needing forgiveness. And when I do need to forgive someone, either silently or in answer to an apology, then that forgiveness is once and final. I would worry about anyone who believes in the need to forgive others several times in one day, day after day. Is the forgiveness ever sincerely given? Or is this a sign of pride or hypocrisy?
Yes you can fart 120 times a day it's Isnt exactly normal buy it can happen to anyone
People go missing every day - thus, it would be logical to assume that such an occurrence happened on the 13th day of Friday.
You can buy their album on
Bad for anyone, but won't damage as quickly as 2-3 a day
Actually, Leo is NOT married to anyone. He says he will get married and have kids one day, but that day hasn't come yet.
No one has actually come forth to say that he/she had invented opposite day. So anyone could say they invented it.
No, it is not. It can be celebrated by anybody and everybody. Anyone who is Canadian and wishes to pay respects to the soildiers that died for our country may celebrate it. Heck! Even people that aren't Canadian can celebrate remembrance day. Anyone can and anyone will. therefor the correct answer ( and simplified one) is : No.
Pakistan are one of the most exciting teams in the world, on their day they can rip anyone to shreds!
heck yes lots of people do!!! it shouldn't matter about size and you shouldn't stress about it cause one day idk when but one day a guy will love you for you!!!!!!
Yes you could even become a model when your a toddler! Anyone who tries CAN be a model!
No one He iz single. But dOES anyone know what day he goes to court in Febuary?
not available...only the first season (on ebay).
Anyone... anyone... anyone...