

Can base of log less than one?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: Can base of log less than one?
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Is it possible for a logarithm to equal a negative number?

Yes. The logarithm of 1 is zero; the logarithm of any number less than one is negative. For example, in base 10, log(0.1) = -1, log(0.01) = -2, log(0.001) = -3, etc.

How do you use your calculator to evaluate log 25.65?

Please note that an expression like log 25.65 is ambiguous, since no base is specified. In this case, either base 10 or base e might be assumed, depending on the context.In some calculators, especially older ones, you would press the number 25.65, then press one of the log keys. There is usually one for base 10, and one for base e. In newer calculators, you press the one of the log keys first, then the number, then something like enter.

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A pyramid with a triangular base. It has 6 edges, or a pyramid with a square base, which has 7 edges

How do you input log base 3 in a calculator?

Let y = log3 x⇒ x = 3yTaking logs to any base you like of both sides gives:log x = y log 3⇒ y = log x/log 3So to calculate log base 3 on a calculator, use either the [log] (common or log to base 10) or [ln] (natural or to base e) function key for the log above, that is use one of:[(] [log] [] [÷] [log] [3] [)][(] [ln] [] [÷] [ln] [3] [)][(] [] [log] [÷] [3] [log] [)][(] [] [ln] [÷] [3] [ln] [)]Things in square brackets [] represent keys on the calculator; the is the number of which you want the logarithm to base 3.Use one of 1 & 1 if your calculator is a more modern one that uses natural representation that looks like maths whereby the calculation is done once you've finished entering it all and the numbers for functions follow them.Use one of 3 & 4 if your calculator is an older style one that when you press a function key it acts immediately on the number displayed on the screen.The parentheses (round brackets) are included above so that the whole expression evaluates to log3.

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In any system of counting, there are exactly the same number of digits as the base. They go from 0 to one less than the base.

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5mm is NOT TRUE You find it by dividing it by 2

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Is one quarter more or less than one third?

one quarter is less than one third

How do you find logarithms using a calculator?

If you are using a scientific calculator you will have a key labelled "log". To find the logarithm (to base 10) of a number, simply enter "log" followed by the number that you want to log. If you want a natural logarithm - log to the base e - use the "ln" key instead. If you haven't got a scientific calculator, use the one on your computer.

When one factor in a multiplication problem is less than one is the product greater or less than the other one?

When one factor is less than one, the product will be less than the other factor.

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It is less than. You see if its not one whole than its less than one.

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less than one