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What is arithmatic

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Q: Can be either addition subtraction division or multiplication?
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What else is Bidmas called?

Bodmas or BedmasBidmas stands for brackets, indices, division/multiplication, addition/subtraction.(The ones with / between them can be either way round)

What is the math definition of one-step functions?

One step equations?? Require one step (either addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division and only one of these) to solve for the variable.

Is algebra multiplication or addition?

It can be either.

What is a binary operation?

A binary operator is simply an operator that works with two operands (for example, two numbers). The binary operator is usually written between the two operands. Examples include the familiar operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division - for example, in: 2 + 3 the "plus" is the binary operator, which works on the two numbers written on either side of it. What is an operator: Basically a function (calculation rule), written in a special way.

What is the commutative property and What is the associative property?

Binary operations can have commutative and associative properties. Binary operations are essentially rules that tell you how to combine two elements to make a third (they need not all be different). Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are the more common ones. Exponentiation, taking logarithms, etc are less well known. Commmutativity implies that a * b = b * a Associativity implies that (a * b) * c = a * (b * c) and so either can be written as a * b * c Addition and multiplication of numbers are associative as well as commutative whereas division is neither. However, multiplication of matrices is not commutative.

Related questions

What is the acronym of BEDMAS?

The aronym of BEDMAS is... B = Brackets E = Exponents D = Division M = Multiplication A = Addition S = Subtraction Division and Multiplication - either one can go first -same goes to Addition and Subtraction

What can either be addition subtraction division and multiplication?

All those are examples of MATHEMATICAL OPERATIONS.

What else is Bidmas called?

Bodmas or BedmasBidmas stands for brackets, indices, division/multiplication, addition/subtraction.(The ones with / between them can be either way round)

What is the math definition of one-step functions?

One step equations?? Require one step (either addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division and only one of these) to solve for the variable.

How do you multiply numbers with exponents and parentheses?

BEDMAS Brackets Exponents Division Multiplication Subtraction Solve Brackets (parentheses) question first. (Ie 3(4)E2 =12E2) Then do the remaining exponents. (12E2 = 144) Division and Multiplication. Either can go first. (whichever order it appears in the question) Same with Addition and subtraction. Hope this helps!

What type of geometry is needed for a job in construction?

Definately your basic math (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, percentages) but more importantly, Geometry! Some Algebra and Calculus couldn't hurt, either. Happy adding!

What is the distributive property for 79.45?

The distributive property is applicably to the operation of multiplication over either addition or subtraction of numbers. It does not apply to single numbers.

How do you know where to put parentheses in a math problem?

The normal order of evaluating operations is PEMDAS = Paretheses Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction. If any of these operations is to be carried out in a different order, you put parentheses around the operator and the numbers on either side of it.

Another saying for PEMDAS?

I don't know what the E stands for, but I know what it means. P- Parenthases E - powers of M - Multiplication D - Devision A - Addition and S - subtraction. Although, I think you have the M and the D the wrong way around. It should be PEDMAS. It is the order in which you should do a sum. E.g.4 + 4 x 4 = 20, not 32 as you should do the multiplication first, not the addition even though it comes before the multiplication in the sum. PEDMAS is a mnemonic to help you remember the order of the different functions you can use. Hope that helps.

Is algebra multiplication or addition?

It can be either.

What is the inverse property of multiplication?

subtractionthe answer of this question is division NOT SUBTRACTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* * * * *No, it is not division either - that is the inverse function to multiplication - which is a different thing.An element y, of a set is said to be the inverse of the element x in the set if x*y = y*x = i where i is the multiplicative identity for the set. y is denoted by x-1In ordinary multiplication of numbers, i = 1.

Are the sums and products of whole numbers always whole numbers?

Yes, the whole numbers are closed with respect to addition and multiplication (but not division).The term "whole numbers" is not always consistently defined, but is usually taken to mean either the positive integers or the non-negative integers (the positive integers and zero). In either of these cases, it also isn't closed with respect to subtraction. Some authors treat it as a synonym for "integers", in which case it is closed with respect to subtraction (but still not with respect to division).