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Q: Can both rectangles and squares have 4 right angles each?
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How do a rectangle and square both have 2 sets of parallel sides and 4 right angles?

Because the corners of both rectangles and squares are 90 degrees (right angles) - and opposite sides of rectangles and squares are always parallel !

What quadrilaterals have congruent adjacent angles?

Rectangles or squares; both of these have only right angles, so all the angles are congruent.

How squares and rectangles alike?

They both have two sets of parallel sides, and they both have four right angles.

What is one attribute that both rectangles and squares have?

They both have 4 interior right angles that add up to 360 degrees

How are squares and rectangles similar?

both have four 90* angles.

How are squares simliar rectangles?

They are both 4 sided quadrilaterals with parallel sides and 4 interior right angles

How is a rectangle different from a rhombus?

The opposite sides of rectangles are the same length and parallel, and the angles are all right. All four sides of a rhombus must all be the same length and parallel, but the angles need not be right. Squares are both rectangles and rhombuses, but no other figure is both a rectangle and a rhombus. In other words, the union of the set of rhombuses with the set of rectangles is the set of squares.

Is a square a rhombus and a rectangle?

Yes. A square is both a rhombus and a rectangle. A rectangles is a figure with four right angles, and all squares do indeed have four right angles. A rhombus has four equal sides, and all squares meet this requirement.

How are squares related to rectangles?

Both have 90 degree angles and both have 2 pairs of parallel sides

What do you call a shape with 5 sides and 5 right angles?

A shape with five sides would be a pentagon, but a shape can not have 5 right angles. Squares and Rectangles are both shapes with 4 sides and 4 right angles. They are the only shape with the same amount of right angles as there is sides.

What is the main difference between squares and rectangles?

Squares have four sides of equal length. In rectangles, the opposite sides are equal to one another. In both shapes, the internal angles are all 90°.

What are the differences between squares and rectangles?

All squares are rectangles. A rectangle is a four-sided figure consisting of two sets of parallel lines, and all interior angles are 90 degrees. Squares are rectangles with the added characteristic that all four sides are of equal length. (In both cases all four angles are also the same: 90 degrees.)