The bubbles can never be of square shape for surface tension reasons as well as the reason that the pressure inside the bubble is distributed equally through all directions.
The word bubbles has two syllables. (Bub-bles)
no. bubbles can only be made into sphere shapes.only a trick can make a bubble into a different shape
None, unless it gets wet.
Yes, square bubbles can be created using a specialized device called a square bubble maker. This device uses a plastic frame with wire sides to create square-shaped bubbles instead of the typical round shape.
As much as I know, I don't think so
No...because no matter which way the wand is shaped it will always come out as a circle.
Lemon juice does make big bubbles because it lightens the mixture, allowing the bubble to get bigger.
Bubbles aren't living. Bubbles pop, not die.
When you add salt to soap it will make more bubbles. not bigger bubbles but more bubbles.
Yes, bigger bubbles reach the ground sooner than smaller bubbles do.
Bubbles is still alive.
The bubbles are the messages that describe you.
To remove the air bubbles, open the stopcock and the air bubbles will remove
If you mean soap bubbles, then bubbles are bubbles. Don't spend a fortune on expensive ones.
If you mean soap bubbles, then bubbles are bubbles. Don't spend a fortune on expensive ones.