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Yes, if you have two limiting variables with other possibles variables between them, the variables between the limiting variables would be continuous.

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Q: Can continuous variables assume a limited number of values between any 2 specific values?
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Difference between discrete and continuous?

A continuous variable is one that can take any value within an interval (or a set of intervals). A discrete variable is one that can only take certain values.Some further notes:* Often a discrete variable takes integer values, but that is not necessary.* Neither discrete nor continuous variables need be limited to a finite number of possible values.* Frequently, continuous variables are continuous only in principle, and the measuring instruments or recording make them discrete. Eg your height is continuous but as soon as it is recorded as 1.75 cm or 5'9", it is made discrete.

What is a set of instructions for solving a specific problem in a limited number of steps?

order of operations

Why a signal that is band limited is not time-limited while a signal that is time-limited is not band limited Improve Answer Discuss the question Can a signal be time-limited and band-limited at th?

A band-limited signal is one in which the Fourier transform is zero above a certain frequency. In other words it's a signal that ahas a finite frequency content. The simplest case is a pure sinusoidal signal, whose Fourier transform consists of a delta function centred on the frequency of the signal. A band-limited signal can be reconstructed exactly if it is sampled at at more than twice the maximum frequency present in the signal. A time-limited signal is a signal that is zero above a finite. An example of this would be a short pulse. The reason a signal cannot be both band-limited or time-limited is due to their relationship via the Fourier transform. One can show it is impossible for the Fourier transform of a signal with compact support ie either time or band-limited, to also have compact support. A time-limited signal must have a continuous frequency spectrum existing over all possible frequencies and a band-limited signal can only arise from signal existing for all time. Note this indicates in reality it is impossible to have a truly band-limited signal as it would take infinite time to transmit, but it is nonetheless a useful concept and we can produce nearly band-limited signal to a high degree of accuracy.

How to analyze data ccollected using a likert scale?

it depends what you researching? what are your hypotheses and how are you going to treat your variables (ordinal, continous)? what scale are u using? 3, 5, 7 or more?in one case the analysis is a bit limited on the other hand there are many choices like Pearsons linear Gronbachs alpha and so on

How does the graph of Fourier Series differ to the graph of Fourier Transform?

You can graph both with Energy on the y-axis and frequency on the x. Such a frequency domain graph of a fourier series will be discrete with a finite number of values corresponding to the coefficients a0, a1, a2, ...., b1, b2,... Also, the fourier series will have a limited domain corresponding to the longest period of your original function. A fourier transforms turns a sum into an integral and as such is a continuous function (with uncountably many values) over the entire domain (-inf,inf). Because the frequency domain is unrestricted, fourier transforms can be used to model nonperiodic functions as well while fourier series only work on periodic ones. Series: discrete, limited domain Transform: continuous, infinite domain.

Related questions

Difference between discrete and continuous?

A continuous variable is one that can take any value within an interval (or a set of intervals). A discrete variable is one that can only take certain values.Some further notes:* Often a discrete variable takes integer values, but that is not necessary.* Neither discrete nor continuous variables need be limited to a finite number of possible values.* Frequently, continuous variables are continuous only in principle, and the measuring instruments or recording make them discrete. Eg your height is continuous but as soon as it is recorded as 1.75 cm or 5'9", it is made discrete.

Can continuous variables be negative?

Yes, continuous variables can be negative. For example, we generally treat temperature in as a continuous variable and temperature in the Fahrenheit or Celsius scales can have negative values. Considerably more explanation is below.Conventionally, there are three types of variables, which can go by names other than the ones I list:CategoricalDiscreteContinuousCategorical variables (which can be further sub-classified) are variables that aren't numeric in nature. So if you record the colors of a traffic light or the gender of a study subject, those are categorical in nature.Discrete variables are those that are numeric in nature, but which have a limited resolution with which we can measure them. Common examples are counts, which can only be integers, never decimals. So if you record the number of unfilled soda cans that come out of a filling machine, you are getting discrete data.Continuous variables can theoretically be measured with infinite precision. To be very technical, it's almost impossible to record continuous data because you'd have to be able to record an infinite number of decimal points, but in practice we can treat many different kinds of data as continuous. For example, US Dollars are conventionally only measured to two decimal points, but we can usually treat them as continuous. It turns out that for practical purposes, the key to treating data as continuous is to not have repeated values. Even count data, which are discrete by definition, can be treated as continuous in many circumstances. Look in a statistics reference for information about the normal approximation to the binomial distribution or the normal approximation to the Poisson distribution for more information.

What Would be the Advantage Of Continuous Wave Doppler Over pulsed Doppler?

Continuous wave Doppler allows for measurement of high velocities because it does not have a limit on the range of velocities it can detect compared to pulsed Doppler which has a limited range. Continuous wave Doppler is also able to detect continuous flow patterns whereas pulsed Doppler can only sample at specific points.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of correlational methods of psychology?

Strengths: Correlational methods allow researchers to identify relationships between variables and make predictions, are less invasive than experimental methods, and can be used to generate hypotheses for further research. Weaknesses: Correlational studies cannot establish causal relationships between variables, are prone to third-variable problems and confounding variables, and may be limited by the quality of the measures used.

What is local in computer scince?

In computer science, "local" typically refers to data or variables that exist and are accessible within a specific scope or context, such as within a function or a block of code. Local variables are usually declared and used within a limited area of a program, and their scope is restricted to that particular area.

What is the difference between limited and general direction?

What is the difference between limited and general direction?What is the difference between limited and general direction?My best guess would be in not knowing the full context in which you are asking this question. Limited would be in the context of a specific subject and therefor limited in nature. Whereas general would be more global in specifically addressing a broad range of subjects.Peace & blessings

What is the difference between finite and continuous cell lines?

Finite cell lines have a limited lifespan and eventually stop dividing, while continuous cell lines are immortal and can divide indefinitely. Continuous cell lines are derived from cancer cells or genetically modified to overcome cellular senescence.

What is char far datatype in c language?

The far memory type may be used for variables and constants. This memory is accessed using 24-bit addresses and may be on-chip or external.For variables, far memory is limited to 16M. Objects are limited to 64K and may not cross a 64K boundary. Variables declared far are located in the HDATA memory class.For constants (ROM variables), far memory is limited to 16M. Objects are limited to 64K and may not cross a 64K boundary. Constant variables declared far are located in the HCONST group.Declare far objects as follows: unsigned char farfar_variable; unsigned char const farfar_const_variable;

What graph has a finite or limited number of data points is?

A discrete graph.

What is the opposite of continuous?

Discontinue, stop, cease.

What is the difference between discrete and cumulative distributions?

A discrete distribution is one in which the random variable can take only a limited number of values. A cumulative distribution, which can be discrete of continuous, is the sum (if discrete) or integral (if continuous) of the probabilities of all events for which the random variable is less than or equal to the given value.

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