The distance is 3.
There is a distance of 3 between -3 and 0.
Distance from (0, 0) to (5, 12) using distance formula is 13
The distance is 0.
The distance is 0.
The distance is 3.
The distance from 0 of an integer is called its absolute value, or magnitude.
There is a distance of 3 between -3 and 0.
None.Speed is the distance covered per unit of time. If no distance is covered then the speed is 0.None.Speed is the distance covered per unit of time. If no distance is covered then the speed is 0.None.Speed is the distance covered per unit of time. If no distance is covered then the speed is 0.None.Speed is the distance covered per unit of time. If no distance is covered then the speed is 0.
Distance from (0, 0) to (5, 12) using distance formula is 13
Since work= distance X force, if no distance is covered then no work is accomplished. ex/ work= distance (0) X force (1) work=1 X 0 work=0
the distance is 0
It illustrates the distance of an object at any particular amount of time from its starting point (when time = 0 and distance = 0).
0 kilometres or 0 miles