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Yes, it can.

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Q: Can each line contain an infinite number of rays?
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A line can contain an infinite number of?


How many points may a line contain?

A line, ray, or line segment contains an infinite number of points.

Can a line contain an infinite number of points?

Yes, if no endpoints are defined.

How many perpendicular lines does a heptagon have?

An infinite number. Each point on a line, however small the line is, can have a perpendicular through it. And since there are an infinite number of points on any line, the answer is an infinite number.

How many planes contain a given line in space?

Given a line, there are an infinite number of different planes that it lies in.

On the infinite number line of CodeSignal, where does the keyword "infinite" fall in relation to the other numbers?

The keyword "infinite" does not have a specific numerical value on the infinite number line of CodeSignal. It represents a concept of endlessness and is not a specific point on the number line.

What is the maximum number of different rays that can be formed on a line?

Infinitely many. There an infinite number of points on a line and each point can be an end point of two rays.

How many planes can contain one specific line?

An infinite number of planes. Picture a line and now picture planes going in every direction through the line,

A plane and a line intersect at most in one point?

Yes, except when the line is in the plane. In the latter case, they intersect at each point on the line (an infinite number).

What do latitude and longitude lines represent?

-- Each meridian ( 'line' ) of longitude represents all of the infinite number of points on the Earth's surface that have that one specific longitude. -- Each parallel ( 'line' ) of latitude represents all of the infinite number of points on the Earth's surface that have that one specific latitude.

Does the number line stop?

It does not. It is infinite

There is no end to a number line it is?
