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The amount of penetration is fairly irrelevant. What is more relevant is whether there has been an ejaculation (while inside) or not.

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Q: Can get pregnant with one inch penetration?
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Can a underwieght get pregnant without penetration?

For anyone to get pregnant there must be penetration, so if there is no penetration there will be no pregnancy.

How much penetration is required to get pregnant?

You need sperm to make one pregnant, not penetration... One can get preganat from sperm without being penetrated, or won't get pregnant from penetration if there's no sperm. Fertility depends on male and female fertility, which is general health plus the fertility cycle of the female.

Can penetration with clothes still get you pregnant?

i don't see how penetration can be even possible with clothes on, so no you can't get pregnant if you are dressed

Can I be pregnant if there was only pre-ejaculates fluid and no penetration?

If there was no penetration, you most likely aren't pregnant. Precum even lessens the chances, since it can rarley get you pregnant.

Can you get pregnant from a man hitting you from the back?

If by "hitting" you mean literally hitting, then no. You cannot get pregnant from someone hitting you. If "hitting" is meant as a slang term for sexual intercourse...then via anal penetration, no. Via vaginal penetration, yes, you can get pregnant.

What hole should be penetrated to make a woman pregnant?

Penetration would occur in the vagina for a woman to get pregnant.

Can a 1 inch penetration will result to pregnancy?

Yes. He doesn't have to be fully inside.

Can you get pregnant in the ocean with penetration?

Ofcourse you can.. if the sperm reaches it reaches. nuff said.

Can a male with 4 inch erect penis make a woman pregnant?

Size isn't important for pregnancy... sperm is what is required and that is produced in your testicles and ejaculated through your penis... So as long as you can penetrate her vagina it is long enough. So I'm only guessing ... but my pinky finger can do that ... so I fugure around 3 inches should be plenty to get a woman pregnant.

Can a girl get pregnant while a virgin?

yes...yes a girl can the sperm can b ejaculated enough to get her pregnant even with out penetration to the vagina

Can one inch penis still impregnate a girl?

If you can manage to have intercourse and ejaculate then you have a chance of getting her pregnant.

Does it mean that without penetration a woman cannot become pregnant?

It means you have a misconception since the statement is false. Be careful!