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Q: Can grass grow more than 30 cm per month?
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Will grass grow differently in sunlight than under a grow light?

yes because the sun has more natural nutrients than a grow light

How fast can seeds grow?

Well this depends on the plant. Most seeds will begin to sprout in no more than a week. Some plants (grass, for example) can grow to a desirable length in a month or so. Other plants (that includes trees) will take decades to grow to full size.

Which one is bigger grass or trees?

Trees. Trees tend to grow much taller than grasses do because of their woody "stem" or trunk, which can hold a lot more weight than the stem of grass. Even bamboo, which is a type of grass, cannot grow as tall as most trees can.

Does short cut grass grow faster than long grass?


Why fertilizers important?

Because it helps make your grass grow better and more lusher and fuller than if you went without.

Why grass requires more rain than shrub?

Grass requires more rain than shrub as grass grows fast. It requires the nutrients more than a shrub.

How long does your hair grow in 1 month using hair vitamins?

When using vitamins, the right type of vitamins, maybe prenatal, your hair will grow a 1/2 inch more than the regular grow. So your hair will grow an average of 1 inch a month, which is 12 in a year.

How long does turf grass grow?

In order to be considered turf grass, it usually grows to be less than 6" tall.

How much fertilizer do you add to 8 cubic feet of soil?

The answer will depend on how poor or depleted the soil is and what you wish to grow there. Grass will require less fertiliser than fruit trees.The answer will depend on how poor or depleted the soil is and what you wish to grow there. Grass will require less fertiliser than fruit trees.The answer will depend on how poor or depleted the soil is and what you wish to grow there. Grass will require less fertiliser than fruit trees.The answer will depend on how poor or depleted the soil is and what you wish to grow there. Grass will require less fertiliser than fruit trees.

What kind of flowers grow less than a month?

a spider plant grows within a month.

How fast does a dragonfly grow?

Around less than a month.

What do put in your hair to make it grow?

Putting your hair in a bun can help your hair grow faster. If you put in a bun everyday, it may help it grow a little more than half an inch each month.