

Can height be negative

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Can height be negative
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What will the base and height be if the area of the parallelogram is 40 square units?

The base can be any non-negative number, with the height then being 40/base.

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Do the height of a NBA players in relationship to their shoe size represents a negative correlation?

No, the height of an NBA player in relationship to his shoe size does not represent a negative correlation. The two actually represent a positive correlation. As the NBA player increases in size, so will his shoe size.

What is an ocean mountain?

An ocean mountain is a mountain that is completely underwater. If measured from sea level, it would have a negative height.

Is masrurbation effect my growth or height?

No, masturbation does not have any effect on your growth or height. These factors are primarily determined by genetics and overall health. Masturbation is a normal and healthy sexual activity that does not have any negative impact on physical development.

What are 10 ways negative numbers are used?

1. Temperature below zero 2. Earning money is positive, owing it is negative 3. Fractions can be represented as negative exponents. 4. To take dollars off a price, i.e. a discount. 5. When talking about how much a price has gone up or gone down. We use negatives for down 6. Gaining weight is positive, loosing it is negative. 7. Profit is positive, loss of income is negative. 8. Amount of refund when you return something. 9. The height of a mountain is positive, the height of a valley is negative. 10. Coupons can be used for negative number. A 5 dollar off coupon if the price plus negative five dollars.

Mary weighs 533 Nand she walks down a flight of stairs 4m below her starting point what is the change in marys potential energy?

The change in Mary's potential energy is given by: Change in potential energy = mgh, where m is Mary's mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the change in height. Potential energy at starting point = mgh1 and at the lower point = mgh2 Change in potential energy = mgh2 - mgh1 = mg(h2 - h1) = 533 N * 9.81 m/s^2 * 4m = 20855.92 J.

Are there methods to stunt your body height and make yourself shorter?

No, there are no safe or effective methods to stunt your body height or make yourself shorter. Height is primarily determined by genetics and hormones, and attempting to interfere with natural growth can have negative consequences for your health. It's important to embrace and accept your natural height.

What is meant by reasonable a domain and range?

Recall that domain is the input of a function, and the range is the output. If the value for the input (domain) represents the height of a person, it would not be reasonable to use a negative number for the input because this would indicate a negative height. That would not be realistic or negative. Some events would be reasonable or realistic if a negative number would be used as a valid time input and some events would not. For example, a negative time may represent the time before blastoff, but a negative time would not be realistic if it was used to represent the time you spent on homework last week. Only zero or a positive number would be realistic, therefore the reasonable domain would be non-negative numbers (positive numbers and zero).

Can the gravitational potential energy of a system be negative?

Yes, gravitational potential energy can be negative. This can occur when the reference point for measuring potential energy is set at a lower height than the system. This means that the system has less potential energy relative to the reference point, resulting in a negative value.