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Q: Can humalog and humulin n be mixed?
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Can Humalog and Humulin N be mixed in the same syringe without compromising either medication?

Yes, you can mix both in the same syringe

Can humulin N and humulin r be mixed in the same syringe?

yes it can be mixed as long as the doses is less than 35 /cc

Why is insulin a over the counter drug?

I am from The United States other country's may have different laws. Insulin is sold over the counter due to the fact that people with Diabetes don't always have a prescription for the medicine yet they still need to take it to live. In my area these insulin's range in price from $40-$60 There is a list of insulin sold over the counter such as Novolin N, Novolin R, Novolin 70/30, Humulin N, Humulin R, Humulin 70/30, Humulin 50/50and so on. There is a list of insulin NOT SOLD OVER THE COUNTER. Apidra, lantus, Novolog, Humalog ect. So in fact it would be murder if you could not purchase insulin over the counter. Although if you have no money and you need insulin it would seem that you might be out of luck or life.

When is a a person on humulin n most at risk for hypoglycemia?

1.5 hours later

Are humulin 70 30 and humulin n insulin interchangeable?

No, follow your doctor's orders with insulin dosages. Too much insulin can cause an unsafe drop in blood sugar.

When are you most at risk when taking humulin n 35?

peak time is 18 hours

When does humulin n 35 peak?

Humulin N 30/70 typically peaks around 2-12 hours after injection, with a duration of action of about 18-24 hours. It is important to monitor blood glucose levels closely to determine the peak time for each individual.

When should you administer humalog?

do you administer humalog 5 to 10 minutes prior to meal

Is humalog long lasting insulin?

No, humalog is quick-acting insulin that tends to finish its job after about two hours.

Why would a person need to take humulin r what it's humulin r for?

Why would a person need to take humulim r

What is humulin?

Humulin is a brand of insulin medication used to treat diabetes. It is a type of short-acting insulin that helps to control blood sugar levels in the body. Humulin is typically injected under the skin before or after meals to help regulate glucose levels.

Is there animal protein in humalog?

yes there is fat!