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Q: Can i claim 9 on my w-4?
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You will need to submit a I-9, a state and local W4, and a Federal W4.

Do they take out more taxes if you claim 3 or 4 on your W4?

The lower the number claimed, the more taxes are withheld. They will take out more if you claim 3 then if you claim 4.

Why are there no federal taxes taken from your paycheck?

There are two reasons you may have no federal taxes taken is if you claim exempt on your W4 or if you claim a higher amount of dependents.

How much should you withold on your w4?

if you claim zero on your w4, they will take the most taxes out of you. If you have dependents and you add them on when you do your income taxes, you will get that money back. even if it is just you, you should claim zero instead of one, then at income tax time you will not have to pay in, you should get back what you overpaid instead. The more dependents you put on your w4, the less taxes they will take out of your check, but at income tax time, if they did not take out enough you will have to pay in. And like me, if you like a big, big check all at once you want to claim zero, its like a way of saving money, and you get the money back at income tax time to do something big with.

Is there a maximum limit for deductions on payroll?

It used to be that if you claimed more than 10 your employer had to forward copies of your W4 in to the IRS for their review. This ruling was changed recently. So the answer is that you can claim as many dependents on your W4 as you want, BUT the IRS has the right to question the number you claim. They can do this if you end up with no taxes being withheld or if they believe you have supplied innaccurate information on the W4 form. You may have to write to them and justify why you are claiming 16 dependents for example. If the IRS doesn't like your answer they can direct your company to take withholding taxes out for 9 dependents (or whatever they think is right). The employer has a limited amount of time (45 days I believe) to comply with this directive.

Do you get more in your paycheck if you claim 0 or 1?

If you claim one (1) dependent (yourself) on your W4 form you will get more money in your paycheck, and less will be withheld as part of tax withholding. Some people end up having to pay money to the Government at tax time because not enough was withheld during the year. Those people sometimes choose to claim zero (0) dependents on their W4 so that more money will be withheld during the year and they will have less to pay at tax time.

Where do you mail the w4 form?

no where. it is for your records

What is the next answer 1Z Y2 3X W4 5V?

The next character in the series, "1Z Y2 3X W4 5V" is "U6".

What is the tax rebate w4?


What is the Canadian equivalent of a W4 form?

the T4

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