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Yes. In fact, in multiple regression, that is often part of the analysis. You can add or remove independent variables to the model so as to get the best fit between what values are observed for the dependent variable and what the model predicts for the given set of independent variables.

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Q: Can independent variables be changed
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What are controlled independent and dependent variables?

control variables: the things that are not changing.Independent variables: the things that you change.Dependent variables: the things that are changed due to the independent variable

What is the word for the one variable that is purposely changed to test a hypothesis?

The independent variable is the one that is changed by the scientist.Control variables are kept unchanged in an experiment.Dependant variables are those that change as a result of the independent variable being changed.

What is a independent varriable?

an independent variable is a term in science and it is not affected by other variables and can be changed in an experiment.

What is the difference between the independent variables and the dependent variables in the experiment?

An independent variable can be changed itself and does not vary if other items around it are changed. A dependant variable changes it value in response to changes in other items.

Can you change an independent variable?

Yes, independant variables are the variables that are changed in an experiment to observe the results, called the dependant variable.

What is a varriables?

an independent variable is a term in science and it is not affected by other variables and can be changed in an experiment.

What do variables and independent variables have in common?

well they both need to be changed in order to have done the experiment right if it is nott right then do it again

In an experimental investigation the variable that the researcher changes or manipulates in order to see its effects is called the?

Independent variable, is variable that the experimenter manipulates

The difference between the independent and dependent variables?

Independent variables are variables that can be changed in an experiment, while dependent variables are variables that change as a result of an experiment. In other words, independent variables are what you change, and dependent variables are the results of the experiment.

The variables in an experiment that stay the same?

These "variables" are called independent variables or constant variables meaning that they are capable of being changed by the experimenter but are intentionally held the same through each individual experiment.

What is the independent variable in a line graph?

Independent variable is the one to be investigated; the one that will be changed to get results. If you are still finding it too hard just keep this in your mind-- Independent variables answer the question "What do I change?" in an experiment. Dependent variables answer the question "What do I observe?"!

Dependent and independent variables and control?

The control is the variable that stays the same.The independent variable is the thing(s) that is being changed in the experiment.(don't have too many independent variables o your experiment will not work correctly).The dependant variable is the variable that depends the on the independent variable for the experiment.