

Can integers be use in maps?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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Not sure about intergers but integers are regularly used.

The scale of most maps is defined in terms of an integer value: 1 cm = 10 kilometres or somehing like that.

Latitudes and longitudes are often given as integers. At a more detailed level, Northings and Eastings are also marked on maps as integers.

Physical maps may give contours and these are usually given for selected integer values. Other physical attributes - rainfall, temperatures (isotherms) etc also use integers.

In recent years technology has enabled mapping of other socio-economic data. For example, some cities have produced mappings of crimes classified to areas. At a high level, these would be the [integer] number of crimes. There are many such possibilities.

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in golf u use integers hahahahahah oh yeahh