5/9 is equal to .555555555555... in decimal form.
You need to know how much a cubic foot of snow weighs. It depends on the sort of snow. There is 1500 cu ft of snow on the roof.
so the snow falls perfectly like a snow globe
The water equivalent of snow varies, but as a general rule, 20 centimetres of freshly fallen snow is equivalent to 2 cm of rain. If the snow has been lying around for a while then its density will increase.
555555555555 = 555,555,555,555
The snow is soft and our weight is concentrating on our feet so there is more pressure hense our feet sink in snow
5/9 is equal to .555555555555... in decimal form.
on the leopards feet it has a special padding just like polar bears feet
kobe is so large that it is said that they can fit russia in there 555555555555 times just kidding
they use their feet to act like snow shoes because so its feet wont get cold
it has large powerful paws
The Snow Hare.
15 feet
It keeps their feet warm.