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Yes it can snow under 32 no matter how cold

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Q: Can it snow at minus degrees 40 F?
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What is minus 40 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

Minus 40 degrees is the point where both scales read the same, so it would be -40 F

Prove that minus 40 degree C is equal to minus 40 degree F?

0 C = 32 F 100 C = 212 F 180 degrees F equals the measurement of 100 degrees C 9 degrees F therefore equals 5 degrees C -40 F is 72 degrees F below freezing -40 C is 40 degrees C below freezing Convert F to C 5 times -72 is -360 divided by 9 is -40 C convert C to F 9 times -40 is -360 divided by 5 is -40 F

What are the world's coldest deserts?

Antarctica's temperature can plunge below minus 100 degrees F. while the Gobi may drop to minus 40 degrees F.

Minus 40 degrees Celsius change to Fahrenheit?

Minus 40 degrees Celsius is equal to -40 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is Rhode Island's coldest winter day?

The lowest recorded temperature was minus 25 degrees F.

What is the coldest desert after Antarctica?

The Gobi Desert which may plunge to minus 40 degrees F. in winter.

What is the coldest recorded temperature in Maryland?

Minus 40 degrees F on 13 January 1912 at Oakland, MD.

When will the numerical values on the Fahrenheit thermometer be equal and opposite to values on the Celsius thermometer?

The numerical values on the Fahrenheit and Celsius thermometers will be equal at -40 degrees, which is the point where the two scales intersect. They will be opposite at any temperature above and below this point.

Is 50 degrees hotter on a Celsius or Fahrenheit scale?

50 C is hotter than 50 F.Minus 40 C and minus 40 F are the same temperature.Below minus 40, any C is colder than the same F.Above minus 40, any C is hotter than the same F.

How cold does it have to be to make fake snow?

Fake snow can generally be made at temperatures around 28-35°F (-2 to 2°C). The colder the temperature, the easier it is to make fake snow. Artificial snow is created by blowing water through a snowmaking machine that breaks the water into small ice particles, which then fall as snowflakes.

The high temperature yesterday was 30 degrees celsius what is this temperature in degrees Fahrenheit?

Previous response: "79 degrees Fahrenheit" Wrong! 30 C is equivalent to 86 F or 303 K. An easy way to remember C to F is that a difference of 10 C is also expressed as 18 F, so that 0 C is 32 F, 10 C is 50 F, 20 C is 68 F, 30 C is 86 F, 40 C is 104 F...100 C is 212 F. Bonus question: where is C=F? Minus 40 C = Minus 40 F.

Minus 50 degrees c equals how many minus f degrees?

(-50) degrees Celsius = -58 degrees Fahrenheit.