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Q: Can lines be expressive in themselves?
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why do sheeps walk in straight lines?

it is so they can watch behind themselves

How are perpendicular lines different and Alike from intersecting lines?

Perpendicular lines are in shape of (most of the time) a plus sign (+) and intersecting lines speak for themselves: the lines intersect with one another. They are alike becuase they both have a vertex (when two or more lines meet; the center where the two or more lines meet). They may be different becuase a perpendicular line always has four right angles (or more), when intersecting lines can have various types of angles. Or to put it, perpendicular lines are a more specific type of intersecting line. -By Izzy; 6th grade; Content is 3rd to 4th grade basic geometry

Different types of lines and their meanings?

VERTICAL LINES-lines that are at right angle and or perpendicular to a plane.HORIZONTAL LINES-lines that are parallel to the horizon.ANGULAR LINES-lines that have sharp edges. They can be long or short.CURVE LINES-lines that are without angles.SLANTING OR DIAGONAL-lines that suggest action or movement.JAGGED LINES-lines that are harsh and unpleasant.

What are the different types of alphabet lines?

Hi The different types of Alphabet of lines are:-Visible.-cutting plane lines.-Short breaking lines.-Border lines.-Invisible lines .-Ditto or hidden lines.-Center lines.-Long break lines.-Section lines.-Dimension lines

Can lines on different planes be parallel?

Yes, they can. Since three points define a plane, take any two points on one line and a point on the other line, and form the plane with those three points. Once you have that, then use Euclid's test to see if they are parallel. Alternately, if the planes themselves are parallel, then the lines are as well, since they definitely will never intersect.

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What best describes Käthe Kollwitz's approach to printmaking?

She used expressive lines to convey emotions of helplessness and despair.She used expressive lines to convey emotions of helplessness and despair.

What are analytical lines and expressive lines in art and how do they differ?

Analytical lines are a type of line that is mathematically precise and rationally organized. It is epitomized by the vertical and horizontal grip as opposed to the expressive line. The expressive line is a kind of line that seems to spring directly from the artist's emotions or feeling- loose, gestural, and energetic-- epitomized by curvilinear forms; as opposed to classical or analytic line. I learnt this in my Art 100 class, so I

Which statement best describes kthe kollwitz's approach to printmaking?

She used expressive lines to convey emotions of helplessness and despair.

What is meant by children's expressive development?

Expressive development is the gradual process of becoming capable of expressing oneself, normally by talking, although dhildren can also express themselves through drrawing pictures, or gestures, etc. It's communication.

What is the definition of the word expressive?

The word expressive is defined as conveying a thought or feeling. Synonyms of expressive include significant, eloquent, meaningful, and telling. An example of expressive is 'an expressive gesture'.

What is comparative of expressive?

In contemporary English, several different superlative forms are available, each appropriate for a different class (or, kind) of adjective. The adjective "expressive" belongs to that class which takes "most" as a modifier; hence, its superlative form is "most expressive. "

How are receptive and expressive language related?

Receptive and expressive language are two components of language development that are closely related. Receptive language refers to the ability to understand and comprehend language, while expressive language refers to the ability to produce and communicate through language. They are interdependent as understanding and comprehension of language contribute to a person's ability to effectively express themselves.

When was Manic Expressive created?

Manic Expressive was created in 2001.

When was Expressive Processing created?

Expressive Processing was created in 2009.

How many pages does Expressive Processing have?

Expressive Processing has 480 pages.

WHAT IS AN expressive sentence?

the husky's face looking up, was so expressive

What are expressive skills?

Expressive skill is the skill the attempt to externalize our subjective experiences.