It is dependent on the definition of the nature. If Nature here means vegetations, plantation, animal and bird life and like such things, then yes. Nature can exist. Nature is explored by the men of current era. The nature was there in old times too but unexplored.
If the nature means here a Creator and Sustainer the too, yes. Because the man is dependent not the nature.
All electromagnetic radiation - including light in space, cosmic microwaves, stellar x-rays are pure sine waves. They existed billions of years before man appeared in the universe!
The square root spiral, as such, does not exist in the natural world.
The sequence of numbers, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, . . . , in which each successive number is equal to the sum of the two preceding numbers. Couldn't tell you where they exist in nature. Growth patterns of certain living things.
The fleshly nature or man.
This statement highlights the interdependence between humans and nature, where humans rely on nature for resources and well-being, while nature can exist and thrive on its own without human intervention. It emphasizes the importance of protecting and respecting the natural environment for the benefit of both ecosystems and human societies.
this is like nature and the balance of life , they can not and do not exist without each other, like man and women, just like plants need rain and sunlight, just as night follows day!. Because of the nature of capitalism social studies does not exist without economics and visa versa.
It depends on your meaning of alone, yes a man can live and survive without the comfort of a women. But if you are regarding by ones self, no. Man has never been alone, nature washere first and we are not masters of it.
Yes, it does not exist free in nature.
Yes. Your question should be changed to: will man exist without God. No. He made us, he can live without us.
It certainly cannot as our technology is based on resources of nature and without could not exist, like fire can not burn without a fule.
It is a man-made element and, due to its high radioactivity does not exist in nature.
It is debated whether philosophy can exist without man, as it is a human construct based on reasoning and contemplation. Without the presence of beings capable of engaging in philosophical thought, there would be no one to formulate or contemplate philosophical ideas.
"From these things it is evident, that the city belongs among the things that exist by nature, and that man is by nature a political animal" (1253a1-3)."Aristotle in his work 'The Politics'written circa 335 B. C.,
This is totally dependant on your philosophy and what you mean by this question. Simply, the world CAN exist without man (as it did for billions of years before us, and more than likely will continue to exist without us), and man could exist without "world". Looking deeper, and if by "world", you mean "culture" (or some analog thereof), it is because the very definition of "culture" requires the action of "man". Conversely, everyone draws on "culture" ("world") in some fashion.
Nature is the most important. Without this technology would not exist and the foundation of technology is in nature. Technology helps us but the question is "Does technology help nature?" .Well we all know nature helps technology. For example: technology get their materials in our environment specifically in the nature. Even though technology now will not exist we could still live but without nature we will all die and leave this earth with nothing!