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No. One characteristic of parallels is that they never meet or intersect.

But all of the meridians of longitude meet at both the north pole and

the south pole.

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Q: Can meridians of longitude to be parallel?
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Are Meridians never parallel?

Two meridians of longitude are parallel only at the points where they cross the equator, and nowhere else.

Is 120 degrees west longitude parallel to the prime meridian?

Meridians are not parallel. They join at the poles. Parallels of latitude is a common phrase. Meridians of longitude look parallel on the the map, but they're not on the globe.

These are vertical lines parallel to the prime meridian?

Vertical lines parallel to the prime meridian are lines of longitude.

Lines of longitude called what?

Meridians of longitude; parallels of latitude. Remember that meridians are all the same length (20,000 km) and that they meet at the poles. Parallels are, well, parallel, and are different lengths, the longest being the Equator.

Are theimaginary lines that run from the north pole to the south pole around the world parallel?

Yes, the imaginary lines that run from the North Pole to the South Pole (longitude lines) are parallel to each other. These lines are equidistant from each other and converge only at the poles.

Why longitude lines are also called median?

meridians are imaginary lines that are not parallel to each other.

What is the another name for a parrallels of longitude?

There are no parallels of longitude, because longitudinal lines aren't parallel. We call them "meridians". Lines of latitude ARE parallel, and so the expression "45th parallel" would be an accurate description.

What is a line of longitude called besides parallel?

A line of longitude is also commonly referred to as a meridian. This imaginary line connects the North Pole and the South Pole and helps define the geographic coordinates of a location.

What are 3 facts about meridians?

They are also called lines of longitude. They are not parallel. They help define a position and a time.

Why are latitude lines considered parallels and longitude lines are not?

Just like parallel lines on a flat surface, no two parallels of latitude ever meet.Just like non-parallel lines on a flat surface, any two meridians of longitude do meet.In fact, ALL meridians of longitude meet, at both the north and the south poles.

Why are latitude lines considered paralles and longitude lines are not?

Just like parallel lines on a flat surface, no two parallels of latitude ever meet.Just like non-parallel lines on a flat surface, any two meridians of longitude do meet.In fact, ALL meridians of longitude meet, at both the north and the south poles.

What do you call the vertical lines around the globe?

meridians or lines of longitude