

Best Answer

When you started the job, did you get a signed contract that guaranteed

your hours and your pay ?

If not, then your employer can give you as much or as little time, and

as much or as little pay, as he feels like giving you.

And then, you have three choices of how to respond:

1). Comply

2). Negotiate

3). Walk.

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Q: Can my employer legally cut my hours to less than 15 a week?
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The number of employees has nothing to do with whether they can be sued or not.

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:: WORKING HOURS An employee shall not work more than 8 hours in one day, or 48 hours a week. However number of working hours per day may be increased in certain circumstances. Every employer must grant employees a weekly rest, which cannot be less than 24 hours. The employer is exempt from these provisions in certain situations; for example, where the added work is intended to prevent a serious accident or to cope with an unusually heavy workload. In such situations, employee must be paid overtime.

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