I am guessing you mean that you want to know your date of conception? It really depends on a couple of factors. If your normal periods are regular, you can be fairly accurate with conception date within a couple of days. Count back 14 days from when your period was DUE (ie but didn't come because you were pregnant) and this will be around the time of conception. Conception date will be within two days either side of this date. If you are pregnant now, an ultrasound will tell you very accurately what your conception date is. As long as you have an ultrasound within the first 10 weeks - the earlier the better. An experienced ultrasonic person can tell you down to the day - ie six weeks and three days.
Last weeks Tuesday date was Feb 23 2010.
Today is Sunday 4 April 2010. 75 weeks from now, the date will be Sunday 11 September 2011.
27th march
August 28, 2012
In any given year, adding 11 weeks to March 23, gives June 8.
Months are typically counted by date, based on the calendar system. Each month has a specific number of days, and the date is used to determine the passage of time within a month. Weeks are not commonly used to count months, as months do not have a consistent number of weeks.
The exact date is hard to determine. Gestation on average is said to be 40 weeks but in reality it is anywhere from 38 to 42 weeks.
To find the date that was 13 weeks ago from today's date, you would subtract 13 weeks from today's date. If today's date is August 12th, 2021, then 13 weeks ago would be May 13th, 2021.
93 weeks before the 2nd of May 2015, when the question was asked, was the 20th of July 2013.
what was the date 37 weeks ago
what was the date 37 weeks ago
When they do an ultrasound, they measure the baby's head and that's how they determine how far along you are. So if your baby's head is smaller than average, then they would give you a farther due date; If it's bigger than average they would give you a closer due date. Please remember your due date is an estimated guess, not the actual date you will absolutely deliver It depends how much the difference is and at what stage you have the ultrasound. At six weeks ultrasounds are accurate to within 2-3 days, by 12 weeks they are accurate to within 4-5 days and by 20 weeks they are only accurate within 5-7 days.
For about the first 10-12 weeks all babies grow at about the same rate so term date can be calculated fairly accurately, you then count back 38 weeks for the date of conception. After 12 weeks babies may not all grow at the same rate so it becomes less accurate.
the date three weeks ago was September 31st
To find the date 79 weeks ago, you would subtract 79 weeks from the current date. If today is June 1, 2021, the date 79 weeks ago would be February 10, 2020.
Remember the 1st day of your last period. It should be somewhere between 14 to 16 days from that date. http://www.intmed.mcw.edu/clincalc/pregnancy.html
Last weeks Tuesday date was Feb 23 2010.