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do people do one thing at a time

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Q: Can people concentrate on two thing at one time?
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What is the preposition of concentrate?

The preposition "of" is typically used with the verb "concentrate" when talking about the substance or thing on which one is focusing attention or effort. For example, "I need to concentrate of my studies."

Do people do one thing at a time?

No, some people multitask.

Is being a mermaid a one time thing?

Not a one time thing nor a many time thing. People can NOT change into other creatures and things. Mermaids are not real and do not exist. People can not become other things.

What are some adhd symptoms in children?

The most common symptoms of adhd in children are the lack of ability to concentrate on one topic for more than a short period of time. they can't keep their attention on one thing.

How long can a human consentrate?

A human can surprisingly only concentrate for about 20 minutes!!!!! The amount of time that a human can concentrate varies. If the person is interested in a subject their concentration lasts longer than if they weren't interested. If they have had enough sleep, meeting dietary requirements, and other stimuli in the immediate vicinity all affect concentration time. The amount of time that the average person can focus on one specific thing is about 20 minutes though, and that means one static thing (like a math problem). Think of movies; you can concentrate on a movie for a full 2 hours, but that's because you're concentrating on different things as the movie progresses.

How long can children concentrate for?

It varies with each individual child, as some have mental health problems which prevent them from concentrating, whilst others just find it difficult to concentrate on one thing at once.

Why does the apache helicopter carries two people?

One is the 'gunner' so the pilot can concentrate on flying.

Can Jamie possibly concentrate on one thing for more than 5 seconds?

Yes, depends on his mood. And how long a second lasts...

What is the difference between every one and everyone?

"Everyone" refers exclusively to people and relates to all of the people in a specific place, or all of the people doing a specific thing."Every one" may refer to objects as well as people and relates to each individual thing or person.So, for example:Everyone had a wonderful time at the party.andEvery one of the guests had a wonderful time at the party.

Why should schools not allow music?

Why not allow? its better if they allow it during any work or free time because it helps people concentrate, as long as they use headphones and no one else can hear it.

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one thing that rich people do not have is time.any service that saves time is best for them

How much water is added to one can of concentrate?

Typically, one can of concentrate is diluted with three cans of water.