No one is quite sure why, but the Yoruba tribe in West Africa has the highest rate of twinning in the world. A study concluded that the mother's diet was the cause, being high in cassava, a type of yam or sweet potato. The peelings of this vegetable are thought to contain phytoestrogen that causes hyperovulation. In addition, a study in 2006 found that women who consume a lot of dairy are five times as likely to have twins.
It is the same for any other pregnancy. Abortion does not change the randomness of identical twins or the familiar tendency to have fraternal twins.
Women who are themselves fraternal twins have a 10% chance of producing twins, identical twin women have only a 0.6% probability of having a twin birth.
I was told by my doctor, that the chances of having multiples is very likely once you've conceived multiples in the past. And if you have multiples, they will skip a generation and then their kids will likely have multiples. Pretty cool.
Sounds like a good chance! You sound like my family LOL!
There are two primary types of twins, Identical and Fraternal. Identical twins occur when the egg splits after fertilization. To date no indication of a genetic link has been found. Anyone has a chance, though small, of having identical twins. Fraternal twins occur when more than one egg is dropped during ovulation. This trait can be inherited from the mother's side of the family. Studies have shown that the chances are also increased by being overweight or older.
No, but if you have twins in your family there is a good chance of twins but soy stuff does not increase or decrease your chance of having twins.
You can increase your chances of conceiving twins by purchasing the Fertility Treatment lifetime reward for 5,000 lifetime happiness points.
There are some fertility treatments that can increase a woman's chances of having twins. However, there is no medicine that one can take to guarantee that they would give birth to twins.
the chances of having identical twins are about 1 in 300.
As a fraternal twin, your chances of having twins are higher than the general population, but it's not a guarantee. The genetic component that increases the likelihood of conceiving fraternal twins is typically passed down through the maternal line. However, there are also other factors that can influence the chances of conceiving twins, such as age and family history.
You dont need any thing other then a women and man, haveing twins is a random thing. Essentially, the above answer is correct. However you can increase your chances of conceiving twins through certain fertility treatments.
No, having twins in the sims 2 is rare. Unless you have Open for Buisseness, if you do, eat the cheese cake(i think) and it willl increase your chances of twins. Or use the cheat forcetwins while the sim is about to go into labor.
There is no real cheat for getting twins or triplets on the Sims 3 but there is a way you can increase your chances by 90%. You must have enough lifetime happiness for this although. In the lifetime rewards menu there is a reward called "Fertility Treatment" and that will increase your chances for twins or triplets. If you want twins I recommend only giving it to one of your parent sims and if you want triplets give it to them both. Note that 10% of the time this will fail, but I have only had that happen twice before. I hope this helped you!
Oh yes it does! I never dreamt I would become pregnant with twins. There are no twins in my side of the family. None that I know of. However, at my baby shower, I found out from my boyfriend's family that there were at least 4 sets of twins in his family; his grandmother had twins, his grand aunt had 2 sets of twins and his cousin had twins. It's amazing how science doesn't know everything because my high school friend had fraternal twins and when she found out I was having identical twins she told me that that wasn't hereditary, but obviously it is after learning my boyfriend's family's history.
The likelihood of having twins varies depending on factors such as genetics, age, and ethnicity. On average, twins occur in about 1 in 30 births. Factors such as fertility treatments, family history of twins, and maternal age can increase the chances of having twins.
yes, you can have babies, but the chances of having twins or tripplets isn't very high