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Yes in the USA as long as:

  • Received from a believable reliable source
  • A reasonable person would be convinced it is true.

This is a much lower standard than to gain a conviction.

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Q: Can probable cause be based on hearsay information?
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When can hearsay be used to establish probable cause for a search warrant?

When it is corroborating or corroborated.

Is it true that information given to establish probable cause should be given under oath?

Yes, in order to be able to arrest someone with probable cause that said probable cause must be done under oath or affirmation.

Can police arrest you if they hear a rumor about you?

No, not based solely on rumor or hearsay. However, if they look into the information contained in the rumor to determine the truthfulness of it, it is possible that their investigation might disclose sufficient probable cause to arrest you for an offense. Quite often these "rumors" turn out to be what is known as "leads."

When robbers get arrested where do they go to get judged to go to jail or not?

Individuals are arrested based on the existence of probable cause. If there is enough evidence to show probable cause, the individual will be arrested by the police and taken to jail.

Is hearsay probable cause for a traffic stop?

Yes. For example if you are driving and suspect a drunk driver you can call 911 on your cell phone and they can pull the car over based on that phone call. If needed they can even pull the 911 caller into court to verify that there was a suspicion of drunk or impaired driving (although this doesn't happen often)

Is smell probable cause for a cop to search you?

Liar! That's reasonable suspicion not Probable Cause...PC are based on factual evidence to believe that theirs weed. Your senses can pick up anything

Probable cause in a sentence?

Probable cause is a standard of proof required for a law enforcement officer to obtain a search warrant or make an arrest, based on facts and circumstances that would lead a reasonable person to believe that a crime has been committed.

How many days after probable cause has been found does a complaint become public information?

The timeframe varies by jurisdiction, but typically a complaint becomes public information after probable cause has been found and the defendant has been formally charged or arraigned in court. This process usually happens within a few days to a couple of weeks of probable cause being established.

What is required for an arrest warrant?

probable cause

What level of belief that allows the police to make an arrest?

The police officer has to have probable cause to believe a particular person commited the crime in question. In court, probable cause is NOT enough to convict you of the same crime.

What is the probable cause of cicatrices on the skin?

These are the result of wounds. Please see the wikipedia article for more information.

What is the probable cause of the cicatrices on the skin?

These are the result of wounds. Please see the wikipedia article for more information.