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Q: Can procedure code 76942 be billed twice in same visit if patient was injected in 2 different areas of the knee?
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Related questions

What is the importance of correctly linking procedures and diagnoses?

If the procedure and the diagnosis do not correctly link together the patient will not be billed correctly.

What is a primary cpt code?

CPT stands for Current Procedural Terminology. These codes are used to give a uniform term for procedures for the purpose of efficiency in filing claims. There is a particular code for every medical service. You might find this helpful for further information:

What is the purpose of patient ledger cards and encounter forms?

This helps to keep patient payments up to date. The ledger shows the date the patient was billed and how much they paid.

Are red billed and brown billed seagulls different species?

yes ma'am , i do love anl

What does bill type 131 mean?

bill type 131 is an out patient medical facility bill... billed on a UB

What does the insurance code G8553 mean?

This is a code that providers must report when they use electronic prescription services to send a prescription order to a pharmacy for a patient. This code is billed to Medicare along with the other procedure codes for the encounter. This allows Medicare to track which providers are using electronic prescriptions.

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what is the modifier to use w/procedure code 93306

Is it insurance fraud if a patient seen the nurse practitioner and the medical office billed that the patient seen the doctor?

No, it's not fraud. The Nurse Pratitioner works under the doctors supervision and their visits can be billed out under the doctors name. (I've worked in medical practices for 20 years and this question comes up often).

Are there any more than 3 different types of ani birds?

No there are only the Broad Billed Ani,the Smooth Billed Ani & the Greater Ani

Does Medicaid pay Medicare Hospital Deductible?

In Illinois, a provider who accepts a patient as Medicaid cannot bill that patient for anything for which Medicaid would have paid had the provider timely and properly billed Medicaid.

Can an invoice amount be different than amount billed?

Yes, an invoice amount can be different from the amount billed. The invoice amount is the total amount charged for goods or services, while the amount billed refers to the specific portion that is being requested for payment at a given time. Changes in quantity, discounts, or additional charges can all lead to differences between the invoice amount and amount billed.

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