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Q: Can salary be numerical or categorical data?
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Can the range be used to describe both categorical and numerical data?

yes because if you have categorical data you need the range for the value of the numbers so it would be the same for numerical data

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Can the median be used to descibe both numerical data and categorical data?

It can be used to describe continuous or discreet data but not categorical or ordered data, unless that data is also numercal which is very unlikely

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Not sure about steam-and-leaf but a stem-and-leaf plot is used for numerical data.

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A first name is considered categorical data, as it falls into distinct categories and does not have a numerical value.

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Types of statistical data include; 1.Numerical 2.Categorical 3.Ordinal

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Can the median be used to describe both a categorical data and numerical data?

No. A median makes no sense for categorical data. For example, if you have 10 red cars, 15 blue cars and 20 black cars, what is the median?

What is the difference between a categorical variable and numerical variable?

Basically categorical variable yield data in the categories e.g sex (male, female), modes of transport (Bus, railway, etc) and numerical variables yield data in numerical form e.g. age (0-100), number of accident on a certain highway (0,1,2,..).