i have an idea can someone help?
they didn't, it just kept on going and never ever stop.
It's impossible to generate a valid credit card. Well on the internet there are thousands of fake credit card genrator, but they generate invalid credit card numbers, and you cannot buy anything with them. Go and get a real credit card, or steal someone's, or something... All those programs are always going to eat crappy crap. All useless. Don't trust them. Most are viruses. Why not visit a site that offers things for free and is legal?,, all those will. Just Google them.
If all numbers can be used as many times as wanted then there are 109 = one billion combinations. If each number can be used only once, there are 10!/(10-9)! = 10!/1! = 10! = 3628800 combinations. * * * * * Clearly answered by someone who does not know the difference between PERMUTATIONS and COMBINATIONS. The combination 123456789 is the same as the combination 213456789 etc. All in all, therefore, there are only ten combinations which use each digit at most once.
Either someone has skimmed - copied your card when you used it. Or they've used a computer program to generate working card numbers and one of them was yours.
I don't think anyone here has a special Nick Jonas formula that can generate an answer for you. You have to talk to him.
i have no idea ! ask someone else .
In the minds of the imaginative or the naive and anywhere someone can generate income from it.
Costumes are a 'disguise'. Costumes are combinations of different clothing or accessories that will make you look like someone else for Halloween.
These are not toxic substances, but they will generate gas. Let this person burp.
can someone please type me the formula of calculatins Present Value (PV) in advance
tell me were to goto talk to someone who can giveme my numbers