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Yes. Subtraction is the same process as adding the opposite.

For example, take the expression 9 - 4. The opposite of 4 is (-4). 9 + (-4) is exactly the same as 9 - 4. This relationship is a fundamental concept of early math development, and is often poorly taught in the primary grades.

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Q: Can subtraction be rewritten as addition by adding the opposite?
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Addition and subtraction can be thought of as the same thing because subtracting a negative number is the same as adding it and adding a negative number is the same as subtracting it.

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They are different in the same way that subtraction of integers is different from their addition.

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Because of the definition of addition and subtraction. When looking at a real number line: when you add you move to the left or up, when you add the opposite of a number you move in the opposite direction.

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Subtraction is the inverse operation of addition. Adding a number and then subtracting the same number will bring you back to the original value.

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Adding +k is the same as subtracting (-k).

What is meant when you say that subtraction is the same as addition of the opposite?

here is subtraction problem... 9 - 4 = 5 here is an addition of the opposite 9 + -4 = 5 both these equations are true and mean the same thing. when you subtracted you are actually adding the negative of that number. the negative means to put a minus symbol in front of that number and that number is the amount of units it takes from below zero to get to zero.

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In subtraction you take away rather than add. Also, addition is commutative, subtraction is not so the order of the numbers does matter for subtraction.

How do you relate addition and subtraction?

They are inverse operationsalso you can think of subtracting as just adding a negative number.

How is Addition And Subtraction Are Related To Each Other?

They are both binary operations. The inverse of adding X to a number is the subtraction of X from the result and, conversely, subtracting Y from a number is the inverse of adding Y to the result.