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Q: Can take hundreds or even thousands of years to devolpe into a climax community?
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How long does it secondary succession to reach climax community?

It could take hundreds or even thousands of years to develop

What kind of succession can take hundreds or even thousands of years to develop into a climax community?

Primary succession, which occurs in newly formed habitats with no previous plant material, can take hundreds or thousands of years to develop into a climax community due to the slow colonization and growth of plants in harsh environments. The process involves the gradual building of soil and establishment of pioneer species before more complex vegetation can take hold and reach a stable climax stage.

What is Community Climax?

Community Climax is a term used to describe a shared emotional or impactful moment experienced by members of a community or group. It often involves a high point of unity, collaboration, or engagement within the community that fosters a sense of connection and belonging among its members.

Is climax community primary or secondary?

climax community is secondary ,people!

How do you get a climax?

you get a climax by being in a community

What is final stable community made up of mature hardwood trees called?

A climax community.

What is the stable ecosystem that develops due to succession called?

A climax community ! ( :

What is the end product of succession called?

The end product of succession is called the

What is a stabled community called?

climax community

What is a communnity that has reached a stable stage of ecological succession called?

Climax Community

What is a climax species?

In time a generally stable community of a diverse number of species is formed that is called a climax community. unless disturbed by natural or human forces, a climax community can exist for many generations.

Does the concepts of climax community make sense?

Yes, the concept of a climax community makes sense in ecology. It refers to the stable, mature community that is in equilibrium with the environment, following succession. The climax community can persist for long periods of time if undisturbed.