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A teacher has a right to take away what ever is a distraction to other classmates and keeps others from learning if something was took. Like a cellphone or a toy normally they will give it back after school or a parent is allowed to recover the item.

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Q: Can teachers take away your belongings?
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How long can a teacher take away your belongings for?

The length of time that a teacher can take away your belongings will depend on the schools policies. Some teachers may only keep the belongings for the length of the class while others may keep them until they can see your parents. It will also depend on what belonging was taken from you.

Can teachers throw away your pens and pencils?

In most cases, teachers cannot throw away your personal belongings without permission. It is best to communicate with your teacher and ask for any guidelines regarding items in the classroom.

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Take it away from you. Or make you leave along with your belongings.

Are teachers allowed to permanently take away students ipods?

No, that would be theft. However, they can take them away and turn them into the school office.

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no the teachers would not do that but they would take them away if you get distracted by them.

Can teachers take points away from you even if you didn't cheat?

It depends on what you do and on the teacher.

Can teachers take away religious items?

like Jewish Yamacas and and Sikh silver bracelets,no

What is the importance of maintaining the security of belongings?

keep it locked away

Will a stalker take your personal belongings?

A stalker could possibly take your belongings. There are more than one type of stalkers.

Is it destruction of property for a parent to throw away her child's personal belongings without permission?

Unless the child actually bought them, they have no personal belongings.

What are good rhetorical questions about teachers taking away cell phones?

When am I gonna get it back sir or miss would you let your teacher take away your mobile