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Q: Can the absolute error be a negative?
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Can absolute error be negative?

No because taking the absolute value of a number always yields a positive value.

Percent error formula?

Divide the calculated or estimated error by the magnitude of the measurement. Take the absolute value of the result, that is, if it is negative, convert to positive. This would make the percent error = | error / measurement |.

Can percent error be negative?

Sometimes you will take the absolute value of the percent error because your estimated number could be less than the theoretical, meaning the calculation is negative. But an absolute value is always positive. A percent error can be left as a negative though, and this would be perfectly acceptable (or even preferred) depending on what you're doing.Answer:In the sciences, a negative percent error indicates a low result. If you have a 0% error, then your observed (lab) result was exactly the same as the theoretical result. A 5% error could mean that your observed result was a little high. A negative percent error is possible; if your observed results were lower than the expected, then you would have a negative percent error. A -5% error could mean that your results were a little low. Having a negative percent error isn't worse than positive percent error -- it could mean the same thing. If you were to have a choice in having a 20% error and a -5% error, the negative percent error is more accurate.

Absolute error and occurrence?

brifly explain about the absolute error?

Can an absolute value equal a negative?

An absolute value can not be negative.

What does a negative add a positive equal?

If the absolute value of the negative is bigger than that of the positive, then the answer is negative. If the absolute value of the negative is the same, then zero. If the absolute value of the negative is smaller, then positive. Absolute value is the value ignoring the sign.

Is it possible to have a negative absolute pressure?

No. "Absolute" means non-negative.

Are there negative absolute numbers?

NO, absolute value is always non-negative.

What is the opposite of the absolute value of negative 30?

The opposite is: negative (the absolute value of negative 30).

Is the absolute value of a positive integer a negative integer?

Absolute values are never negative. The opposite, or negative, or additive inverse, of a negative number is the number's absolute value; a non-negative number is its own absolute value. The absolute values of 7 and -5, are, respectively, 7 and 5.

What is a absolute error?

The difference between the corrected reading and the mean (average) reading is called 'Absolute error.

When is the sum of a positive and negative integer negative?

When the absolute value of the positive integer is smaller than the absolute value of the negative one.