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If the area was 0, there would be no triangle.

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Q: Can the area of a triangle be zero?
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Can the area of a triangle be negative?

No, because to have a negative area means to have less than zero area.

How do you find area of a 90 degree triangle with hypotenuse only?

The hypotenuse only is not sufficient to determine the area of a right triangle, unless the triangle is stated to be isosceles, or there is some other information that allows determination of the length of a side in addition to the hypotenuse. The area of a right triangle with a given hypotenuse only approaches zero as one of the two acute angles approaches zero degrees.

A triangle or a square or a rectangle or a pentagon or a hexagon or an octagon or a circle has the least area and which has the maximum area if the perimeter of each is 44 cm?

Triangle-least area, circle- most area, per given perimeter . The circle would have an area of 154 square cm. the triangle could have an area of almost zero if it were a long, skinny triangle. An equilateral triangle would have an area approx 92.8 sq cm.

What is the area of a triangle that has sides of 13 inches 18 inches and 31 inches and 31 inches?

0 Zero

If a triangle has a area of 16cm2 What is the base?

Anything from just over zero to infinity; with the height being 32/base cm.

How is the formula for the area of a trapezoid related to the formula for the area for a triangle?

The formula for the area of a trapezoid is A = 1/2 (b1 + b2)/h where b1 is the upper base of the trapezoid , b2 is the lower base of the trapezoid and h is the height of the trapezoid. Since a triangle has only one base , replace either b1 or b2 with zero. Thus the area of a triangle is A = 1/2bh

What's area formula of an irregular polygon?

Divide polygon into rectangles, then use area formula for rectangle: Area = (high a + high b) / 2 x length c If polygon contains triangle, then triangle can be considered as rectangle with one of its side length is close to zero.

FORMULA- area of equilateral triangle?

Area of Equilateral Triangle A= S2 * (Root 3)/4, where A= Area of the triangle S= Side of the triangle.

Has a shape with zero equal sides?

A scalene triangle has zero equal sides.

What is the area of a triangle 6cm by 8cm?

The area of triangle is : 24.0

What is the area of a triangle that is 60 by 54?

The area of triangle is : 1620.0

What is the area of a triangle 4 in by 2 in?

The area of triangle is : 4.0