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Yes, the concavity of a curve can be determined by differentiation. To find out the concavity of a graph at various points, you want to analyze the second derivative (f''(x)). Take the derivative of your original equation, then, take the derivative of this equation. By setting this second derivative to zero, you can solve for the critical points (x-intercepts/asymptotes) of the second derivative graph. Once these critical points are found, make a number line with these points marked. By doing a sign test on either sides of the critical points (plug in numbers below and above the critical points into the second derivative equation), you can find the concavities of your original graph. Wherever the sign tests results in a positive number, that is where a upward facing curve is (concave up); where it is negative, that is where a concave down portion is.

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Q: Can the concavity of a curve be determined by differentiation?
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