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Q: Can the distribution of net proceeds be a negative number?
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What is true about the number of positive and negative charges in a charged object?

A charged object can have an unequal number of positive and negative charges, resulting in a net charge. An object with more positive charges than negative charges will have a positive net charge, and vice versa for negative charges.

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What is net worth formula?

Assets - Liabilities = Net Worth All you own less all you owe. And yes it can be a negative number.

Net exports are negative?

positive net exports increase equilibrium GDP while negative net exports decrease it.

Nonpolar materials have positive and negative areas?

Actually, nonpolar materials do not have distinct positive and negative areas because they have an even distribution of electrons and no net dipole moment. They do not exhibit significant electrical interactions like polar materials do.

Do all objects have a charge?

Not all objects have a charge. Objects can be neutral, meaning they have an equal amount of positive and negative charges that cancel each other out. Only objects that have an unequal distribution of positive and negative charges will have a net charge.

Can a profit margin ratio be negative?

A profit margin can be negative if the company had a negative net income. For eample if the company had $100,000 in net sales, but their net income was ($10,000) then (10,000)/100,000 = (10%) or negative 10%.

Are the proceeds from the sale of a building included in net income?

No proceeds from sale of building is part of cash flow statement while profit or loss on sales of building is part of net income in accrual base accounting while cash base accounting it is part of net income or loss.

What are particles called that have a net negative charge?

Particles with a net negative charge are called electrons.

A material has a net charge because it?

has an unequal number of protons and electrons, resulting in an overall positive or negative charge.

How do you calculate percentage growth having negative previous total net sales?

You can't have negative net sales.

When net exports are negative what is best?

when the imports exceeds the imports then net exports are negative and positive is best for country.