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Q: Can the egg be fertilised After 24 hours?
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In the menstrual cycle how long is the egg in the womb?

The egg isn't in the womb, the egg is in the ovary until ovulation when it is released into the fallopian tube. Each egg will only live for up to 24 hours, so there may be a viable egg present for up to 48 hours maximum, if not fertilised it is then reabsorbed into the body.

How many chromosomes does a fertilised egg have?

A fertilized egg, or zygote, typically has 46 chromosomes. This is a result of the coming together of the egg (23 chromosomes) from the mother and the sperm (23 chromosomes) from the father during fertilization.

Does a female chicken egg need to be fertilised by a male to make a chicken?

The female is fertilised by the male before the egg is laid.

Do hens lay fertilised egg?

Yes and un-fertilised ones too

What is a fertilised egg referred to as?

An embryo.

What is meant by a fertilised egg?

A fertilized egg means a ZYGOTE.

How frog egg are fertilised?

the male covers the egg with sperm

Fertalized egg is called what?

The name for a fertilised egg is a "zygote".

What is a fertalized egg called?

The name for a fertilised egg is a "zygote".

What happens to an egg if it is not fertilized within 24 hours after it is released?

If egg is not fertilized in 24 hours after ovulation,it break down and disappear

What happens during menstruation?

the uterus lining thickens ready for the egg to be fertilised . if the egg is not fertilised then it will pass through the vagina as blood (period).

What does a fertilised egg develop to?

Another individual.