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Yes, for example this set: 1,2,2,5.

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Q: Can the mode and median of a set of data have the same values?
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How can two data sets with different numbers have the same mean median and mode?

(10,10,30,30,30,50,50) (20,20,30,30,30,40,40) These two sets have the same mean, median and mode.

Can a data set have the same mean median mode and range?


What does mean medium and mode mean?

Mode is when there are a set of the same numbers in a set of data and median means the middle number when you put the data in order mean is when you add up all the numbers and subtract it by the total amount of values

In any data set are the median and mean usually very similar in value?

yes they are if you have 0 and 10 the mean is 5 and so is the median. The mean and the median can in fact be the same value. But basically to answer your question, One possible way is that if the values are ascending by 1 in the data set, then the number of values left to the median should be the same as the number of values right to the median. e.g. 6+7+8+9+10 6,7 = 2 terms 9,10 = 2 terms median =8 mode = 8

In a normally distributed data set which is greater mean median or mode?

In a normal distribution the mean, median and mode are all the same value.

Is the mean equal to the median in a data set consisting of 1000 values that are all different?

If a data set consists of 1000 different values can the mean and the median be the same

Can the mode and median for a data set be the same or different?

mode-the most (highest # in a set of data) median-the middle # when you put a set of data in order from least to greatest let's take for example a reasonable set of 10,3,4,5,7,5,9 3,4,5,5,7,9,10 3,4,5,5,7,9,10 and than your mode 5 because there was two 5's so YES IT IS POSSIBLE TO HAVE THE SAME MEDIAN AND MODE FOR ONE SET OF DATA DEPENDING ON WHAT THAT SET OF DATA IS

What is the median of 14?

With just one data point, the mean, median and mode are all the same as the data point itself. In this case, 14.

Can the median be used to describe both categorical data and numerical data?

Can the median and mode be used to describe both categorical data and numerical data

What is mean median and mode in a group of data?

All three are types of averages. The mean is what the typical person means when he says "average": add up all the values and divide by the number of values. The median is the middle value: if you arrange the numbers from low to high and then take the one exactly in the middle of the sequence (or the mean of the two middle values, if there are an even number), that's the median. The mode is the value that occurs most often.In what statisticians call a normal distribution, the mean, median, and mode will all be the same or at least very close. However, many sets of data are not "normal distributions", and in those the three values can be very different. For example, consider the set 5,5,5,20,20,55,100. The mode is 5, the median is 20, and the mean is 30.

What are quartiles in relationship to mean median mode?

Quartiles are values that divide a sample of data into four groups containing the same number of observations. You will find details in the related link.

Multiple values for the same set of numbers mean median or mode?

Any set of numbers can have only one mean and only one median but it can have as many modes as it has values.